the John Rock run 2011 (Truckhaven opening season run) | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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the John Rock run 2011 (Truckhaven opening season run)

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When is everyone planning on Arriving? I know we're looking at Friday Afternoon, maybe earlier. I already told my boss I will be sick:p:

Friday afternoon for us too.

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Well, Im not as ready now. I took the X out to test it some and got a very loud bang.

So The X now looks like this again. I need to find a part on Monday. Ill post more in the whoops section since it was my fault.


Untitled by maniak_az, on Flickr


..Waiting in the "Whoops" section for ya..:D...:popcorn:

im still under the van, doing brakes.. have to wait till I get back in the house.


Is making a very limited edition shirt featuring someone very high up on EF.. This shirt will probably get you and myself murdered by the person the photo is of.. Any takers? :D

Time's Up, hope everyone got everything fixed. 4 days to go :bounce:

Naw, times not up. I still have a few days left to put the front end back together.


We should be out there early evening. My parents are coming out early afternoon. If you see a white Dolphin RV pulling a silver 4-runner, please flag them down.

I'm hoping I'll be able to go now. Just started a full-time job and we're really busy for the next couple of weeks, and worked saturday and sunday this past weekend. But if I do go, gotta change front wheel bearings and tie rods first.

I need to replace the front wheel bearing and spindle bearing. I'll do that thursday. still planing on making it out

We're all set to head out Fri morning.
It's been a long time since I've been out there, is there an easy way for us to find everyone?

7:00 PM Wednesday and I just came back in from putting the front end back on, getting the alignment close (within 1/2 degree of camber and no toe). I even drove it around the block and nothing broke this time.. That was a good sign.

I'll do another test drive in the morning, and load it onto the trailer and then load up the Van...

If all goes well, I'll be taking off OMG its early Friday morning.


We're all set to head out Fri morning.
It's been a long time since I've been out there, is there an easy way for us to find everyone?

from 86S turn south onto S Marina Dr, paved road now houses go to the end onto dirt road. Big Sign Truckhaven Hills on the rigth follw it to the right, we will be camping on the right hand side of the road. Things to look for Rick's Camper with Pumpkin, Maniak's van and Blue explorer, and if a motorhome is there it will be flyingthe flag
Hope that helps

from 86S turn south onto S Marina Dr, paved road now houses go to the end onto dirt road. Big Sign Truckhaven Hills on the rigth follw it to the right, we will be camping on the right hand side of the road. Things to look for Rick's Camper with Pumpkin, Maniak's van and Blue explorer, and if a motorhome is there it will be flyingthe flag
Hope that helps

It'll prob look familiar when I get there. We'll have an RV pulling an ugly tan '77 K5.

That's not hot. :D


How about we camp on the left side of the trail, right where Maniak's GPS spot is located? I think last time I went to Truckhaven we parked there and it worked out for everyone. Hard stuff for the RV's and soft stuff for the tent campers. And, if I remember I was stuck twice on the right side, and some other RV's got stuck there too. Not fun.

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How about we camp on the left side of the trail, right where Maniak's GPS spot is located? I think last time I went to Truckhaven we parked there and it worked out for everyone. Hard stuff for the RV's and soft stuff for the tent campers. And, if I remember I was stuck twice on the right side, and some other RV's got stuck there too. Not fun.

I'm fine with the left side (what my gps thing shows). The RV's were much happier there and tents did have soft spots too.


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