Solved - The key is in the ignition but I still get a chime. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved The key is in the ignition but I still get a chime.

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Elite Explorer
February 22, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Las vegas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 aerostar awd
tonight after a quick Cruz my key chime would not stop chiming. The chrome ring is spinning with out the key. If I touch the ring it starts to chime do I need to replace the whole unit key and ring or can I just fix the ring from spinning. I pulled the pos cable to stop the chime.

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Replace the ignition cylinder before it will not turn to the run position.

Fixed it was the easiest thing I did on the van. advance auto parts bought car craft so both stores are combined.there old school auto parts great to shop there . anyway $16.95 for lock and 2 keys.the van had an access hole on the bottom. i didnt have to pull cover.6" long 1/16 Allen wrench to push pin. turn key to run and it popped out.
Putting the new one was easy but scary ,the tag SAID DON'T TURN KEY PRE SET.mine wasn't I had to turn key 1/4 turn the cross did not line up once it did a 4 minute job. no more chimes . I did not get key redone they wanted $50. so I'll have 2 keys for now. passed smog check,it started to rain no more projects this weekend .

Thanks for posting this problem and solution! I've copied it to my files for future reference since these parts dont last forever. :)

Thanks for posting this problem and solution! I've copied it to my files for future reference since these parts dont last forever. :)
Check to see if you have the access hole. you have a #2 Philips under the tilt wheel lever.And one in front and behind the switch. the pin hole is between the 2 screwed right under the switch. if not you need to drop that cover. if your cover does don't have a slit above the tilt lever you will have to unscrew the lever. vice grip it screws out. but it was a 5 min job. the painting was getting worst. I have to pulled the c
able to stop it. my information guy Josh said do it before your switch goes then it big money and a head ach to get the switch out.
Good luck I had 154'000 on my van.
