The men doing laundry poll... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The men doing laundry poll...

Married men, do you do your own laundry?

  • Yes I do all of my own laundry

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • I help, but don't do all of my own laundry

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • I don't do any of my own laundry

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I do my own laundry and her's as well.

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Just curious as to how many married men do their own laundry. There used to be a time when it was considered "womens work", but obviously times have changed. I have done my own laundry since we were married 30+ years ago. Am I an oddball, or is this the new norm?

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Which ever one of us gets there first ....normally me

My wife is a busy lady lol

I can't cook though

I do the laundry, because I take care to do it right.. My wife was discouraged by her parents for some reason to not learn how to do laundry and cooking.

No scented detergent(s), no scented dryer sheets, proper temperatures, proper spin cycles, and with our washer/dryer combo, when to use steam settings (this really makes a huge difference..)

I do my own laundry but the wife make's it difficult. She thinks she has control over when I can use the machines I paid for, because there is a caregiver in the house during the daytime to take care of her mother with dementia. She somehow got it into her head that I shouldn't do laundry during the daytime so the caregiver can have full access to my facilities. Admittedly, the majority of the machine use is from the mother-in-law. I do my laundry whenever I please, usually a few loads a week, during the daytime and the caregiver and I just work around each other.

Wife used to do all the laundry because she kept claiming I did it wrong. After I retired, I just started doing my own laundry on my own time, and ignored her complaints until she gave up. It's laundry, not rocket surgery. :help:

My wife was discouraged by her parents for some reason to not learn how to do laundry and cooking.

I know the reason. You're the reason. They were hoping that she would meet someone just like you. :D

My laundry is her laundry and vice versa. Most of the time she will do it, but I will do it sometimes as well. Just a matter of who gets to it. Folding is the bottleneck. 🙄

My kids however (teens now) do there own laundry. Have been since about 8 yrs old.

Our adult son, who still lives with us, does his own, but I do the rest except my wife's clothes that take more care, and have since we got married 37 years ago. We keep several changes of clothes for our 3 grandkids, who are 8, 5 and 2, because they're here a lot, and I wash those, too.

I do my own laundry but the wife make's it difficult. She thinks she has control over when I can use the machines I paid for, because there is a caregiver in the house during the daytime to take care of her mother with dementia. She somehow got it into her head that I shouldn't do laundry during the daytime so the caregiver can have full access to my facilities. Admittedly, the majority of the machine use is from the mother-in-law. I do my laundry whenever I please, usually a few loads a week, during the daytime and the caregiver and I just work around each other.

Wife used to do all the laundry because she kept claiming I did it wrong. After I retired, I just started doing my own laundry on my own time, and ignored her complaints until she gave up. It's laundry, not rocket surgery. :help:
if the dirt is gone :dunno:

I do my own laundry. I cook and clean too.

Do it sometimes. Wife's and kids too, by color.
