Top mount turbo aka The Moose Knuckle build thread | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Top mount turbo aka The Moose Knuckle build thread


November 9, 2020
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1998 ford explorer EB
I call my mustang the moose so I guess this 1998 ford explorer eddie bauer 5.0 awd thing is going to be called the moose knuckle. I'm bored as hell at work so figured why the hell not make a build page. Built by Cole's Custom Fab in Annville, Pennsylvania.

Engine: 5.0/302
331 stroker 4.030 kit from vigilante
7675 precision turbo
185cc AFR heads
EFI Compatible Hydraulic Roller Cam - Ford 351W & 302 H.O. 292/276
Skorpion 1.6 race series rockers
Ford performance rollers
Edelbrock intake upper/lower
flowkooler high flow water pump
melling high volume oil pump
350amp apex alternator
Canton racing oil pan

60# injectors
340lph fuel pump
-8 braided nylon feed lines
-6 braided nylon return line
aeromotive fuel rails
aeromotive fuel pressure regulator

Transmission: 4R70W
I dropped it off with a wizard he cast a spell gave it back idk but it was expensive
FTI custom stall triple disc billet torque converter with lifetime warranty

lowering keys
lowering blocks
camber bolts

ILXW-650 headunit

Skar TX series door speakers
Skar ZVX-12v2
smart 3
big 3 upgrade

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Last picture I got from my builder.


How she sits lowered


lookin sharp!!!! just detauled mine and our other vehicles today (yeah did 3 betwene yesterday and today... certai stuff really makes white pop, sorry i wont nerd out i detail others vehicles too so ive seen what works😂)

lookin sharp!!!! just detauled mine and our other vehicles today (yeah did 3 betwene yesterday and today... certai stuff really makes white pop, sorry i wont nerd out i detail others vehicles too so ive seen what works😂)View attachment 431228
What do you use for detailing if you don't mind sharing some secrets? I need to detail mine or pay someone to detail it inside and out. I am a long way off from getting a paint job done.

What do you use for detailing if you don't mind sharing some secrets? I need to detail mine or pay someone to detail it inside and out. I am a long way off from getting a paint job done.
ill send you a PM, that post is gonna be real long 😂

Welcome, and great work to go at it hard and fast.

I like it, and I need you to make me at least two similar to that one. I'm going to first make a 2.5" exhaust, but need to split the two 2.5" cat pipes into a pair of 2.25" pipes, each. I want the exhaust to go straight, with no bends at the merge sections, from one 2.5" pipe into two 2.25" pipes. That I will run into two mufflers that both have twin inlets, which means expanding areas, and slower entering the muffler. That's my version of a cross over.

I like it, and I need you to make me at least two similar to that one. I'm going to first make a 2.5" exhaust, but need to split the two 2.5" cat pipes into a pair of 2.25" pipes, each. I want the exhaust to go straight, with no bends at the merge sections, from one 2.5" pipe into two 2.25" pipes. That I will run into two mufflers that both have twin inlets, which means expanding areas, and slower entering the muffler. That's my version of a cross over.
is yours all motor? and 1 out or dual exhaust?

I'm aiming for a 2.6 Kenne Bell(have a 2.2 to sell), intercooler, TFS R lower intake, and a big dual exhaust end to end. I'll do a mild exhaust first for welding practice, then the entire induction on the stock engine. I'll do the rest of the truck before paint, and then the final engine(Dart 337 with TFS CNC 205 heads). I'm aiming at near 400hp with the stock level 302, and a lot more with the better engine.

I'm aiming for a 2.6 Kenne Bell(have a 2.2 to sell), intercooler, TFS R lower intake, and a big dual exhaust end to end. I'll do a mild exhaust first for welding practice, then the entire induction on the stock engine. I'll do the rest of the truck before paint, and then the final engine(Dart 337 with TFS CNC 205 heads). I'm aiming at near 400hp with the stock level 302, and a lot more with the better engine.
you can definitely hit 400hp on the stock block, I'll be sitting at 500whp just fine and dandy.

I was planning to fit a turbo, but I couldn't find enough space without moving too many things. I had the NOS KB, so I went with that plan. Let me know if you see someone with a Fox Mustang and a KB on it, this 2.2 is the big upgrade for those.

Only moving my coolant reservoir and air box is removed
I was planning to fit a turbo, but I couldn't find enough space without moving too many things. I had the NOS KB, so I went with that plan. Let me know if you see someone with a Fox Mustang and a KB on it, this 2.2 is the big upgra

I look forward to seeing it come together and run great.

Turbo blanket came in REALLY fast from London, took a chance on what seems like a newer company. Looks amazing though


Intercooler being fit! Frame was cut and boxed to get it there but it's there!


nice big FMIC!!!!! I can almost hear that turbo spooling now!

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nice big FMIC!!!!! I can almost hear that turbo spooling now!
Should keep the air cool ;) I can't wait to hear this thing rumble and whistle. Can not wait to see the confusing looks people give me when they hear it!
