Wanna be a little brighter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanna be a little brighter

Hey Everyone!

As a way to learn more about my truck and everything that makes it work, I pick little projects having to do with different components of it. Im a college freshman and dont have a lot of money or time anymore, but I just finished my TT/ Shackle Lift and new shocks for my 01 trac. next i was thinking about doing something with the lights. I have noticed how little range i get with my stock head lamps and bulbs. I also just got some black Euro style tail lights :D

Just wanting to know what kind of bulbs I should get to be a little brighter. Ive read a lot on Projectors, retrofitting, and HIDs... dont have enough money to buy that stuff and dont really have the time! haha, just looking for bulbs.

So... what brand, model, or whatever should i look into getting?

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How about Sylvania Silverstars? Heard anything good on them?

Newer silverstar bulbs are junk, 6 years ago they were fine, but now, junk. The ones they use now are basically just coated with a filter to make them appear whiter.

You should look into things like GE Nighthawks or Sylvania xtravision.

Another option you have is restoring your headlights. Generally, a lot of lost brightness comes from the hazing of headlamps as they get older. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=286804

Newer silverstar bulbs are junk, 6 years ago they were fine, but now, junk. The ones they use now are basically just coated with a filter to make them appear whiter.

You should look into things like GE Nighthawks or Sylvania xtravision.

Another option you have is restoring your headlights. Generally, a lot of lost brightness comes from the hazing of headlamps as they get older. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=286804

My headlamp housings are fine, look just as new as ever, although im getting a new set of crystal/ black ones soon anyways...

And thanks, Ill look into those bulbs!

Oops! one more question, what size bulb fits the 2001 Sport trac? Is it 9007?

9007 is the correct bulb to use for the headlamps.

awesome thanks! If anyone cares Ill post pics whenever I get around to doing this, just got done buying books so it'll be awhile :(

How about Sylvania Silverstars? Heard anything good on them?

I have been using the Silverstars for years and love them. I am currently running the Silverstar Ultra's in my Ex and they are awesome!! The best bang for the buck!

Well I just put in a set of Philips 9007 HB5 X-treme bulbs last night and they seem to be brighter then what was in there. Not HID, but better then stock.

Here is a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/_W0Q...emZ380359498357QQsspagenameZSTRKQ3aMEWNXQ3aIT

I will second that vote for Philips X-treme Power Bulbs :thumbsup:

Has won Product of the Year a few times on http://www.autoexpress.co.uk

I have a set awaiting installation, along with new OEM headlights, someday...

I have a set in some OEM JDM headlights on my Paseo. HUGE improvement over the older Sylvania Silverstars they replaced.
