What do you think about this headunit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What do you think about this headunit?


Well-Known Member
December 10, 2002
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East Lansing, MI
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'02 XLT
I am thinking about getting a new head unit for the old Explorer. The one I have in it now is 9 years old. Its a Pioneer Premier, don't remember the model number right off hand, but its a single DIN install like usual.

Anyways I have always wanted an in dash GPS double DIN unit, but just don't have the cash right now. So I began looking around had I guess Pioneer has a new double DIN head unit with all the things I want.

Pioneer Double-DIN CD Receiver w/Bluetooth & USB Model FH-P8000BT

What I really like about it is that it has bluetooth audio, which my cell phone supports stereo bluetooth sound (I download and listen to a lot of podcasts and internet radio through my current head unit that has the aux input). So it will be very nice to be able to do this without wires. And it has a USB hookup, so instead of burning a new cd, just pop the stuff onto a jump drive, NICE!

Anyways what do you guys think about this, and with the money that I am saving I can get myself some new speakers as well to replace the old stock ones.

I would probably go with these:


Since I am not going to hook them up to an amp and I have always had really good experience with JL Audio.

So what do you guys think, and can you recommend me a double din install kit?


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Go for it!

Oh! He## yes! I have that in the Scion... It is worth every penny, however:

You will need serious speakers, I recommend sep tweeters...


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Oh! He## yes! I have that in the Scion... It is worth every penny, however:

You will need serious speakers, I recommend sep tweeters...

Sweet! Nice setup. I really like the look of it and it has ALL the features that I am looking for, except of course GPS, but you know the more I think about it, it might be better to get an external unit so I can swap it between cars anyways (plus my cell phone has GPS anyways).

Do you use it a lot with bluetooth? I have been reading a lot of reviews saying that the hands free works really well, which is a nice side feature.

Oh BTW you don't like my speaker choice?

Nope, not yet. But the other units I have just need to be programmed... they also have BT - JVCs. I have earpieces that are handsfree, so I don't need it in the stereo, but if it's there, what the hay :)

On the speakers, I'd recommend a set of 6x9s for the rear - extra bass.

those jl's will do you fine for now, separate tweeters only improve the sound when mounted correctly to minimize phase differences. i have the big brother to those speakers and they are still running like a champ 4 years later.

those jl's will do you fine for now, separate tweeters only improve the sound when mounted correctly to minimize phase differences. i have the big brother to those speakers and they are still running like a champ 4 years later.

Sweet, any word on if the included mounting kit in this unit will replace the need for me to purchase a separate mounting bracket for my X?

Well I was digging around on Pioneers site and I found my old head unit, here it is if anyone cares:


my speakers had everything needed for the install, there was a slight air gap which was easily sealed with some sealant i already had laying around

Oops! Thanks calisoundmix, I forgot to mention that 6x9s required a little extra cutting (unseen) to fit.

my speakers had everything needed for the install, there was a slight air gap which was easily sealed with some sealant i already had laying around

Oops! Thanks calisoundmix, I forgot to mention that 6x9s required a little extra cutting (unseen) to fit.

thanks for the info, that is helpful.

Any info on the head unit brackets?


I don't know what to say... everyone here carries them. I've never had a problem finding them...

NIce but I love Blaupunkt- Have moved my Orland cd 72 and 10 disk changer and 200 watt sub across three cars now, have a remote also!
Love the punch and rich sound.
BUT I love the look of yours- great thats its double din and is designed so well............Great choice, just do it justice get real speakers for the sake of your ears!

I just bought that exact radio. I too did it for the Bluetooth for my phone. I don't like the fact that you need a separate microphone that some of the newer radios have built in, but that's no biggie. I also have a boat load of mp3's on my flash drive. I can just plug it into the USB port with this radio. I also am adding XM and possibly HD radio. Should be a nice set up. It's not a Zx nav system, but it's not bad either.

I just bought that exact radio. I too did it for the Bluetooth for my phone. I don't like the fact that you need a separate microphone that some of the newer radios have built in, but that's no biggie. I also have a boat load of mp3's on my flash drive. I can just plug it into the USB port with this radio. I also am adding XM and possibly HD radio. Should be a nice set up. It's not a Zx nav system, but it's not bad either.

Do you by chance have any pics? I would love to see how it looks installed in an Explorer.

The only negative reviews I seem to find are about navigating the menus, have you found this an issue? I am kind of hesitant because it does not have dedicated radio preset buttons, that I use ALL the time (I know they are on the remote, but not on the unit itself). How is it navigating these things?


Oh and BTW did you install the Premier or Pioneer model? I am kind of torn between the two, I mean they are the same thing, except for two features that I can find, one is the warranty and the other is that the Premier comes with the ability to turn off the pre-amps for the sub, which I use to use all the time on the radio I have now when it was in my Ranger.

spotdog...I have my dash out of the car right now trying to run down an a/c issue. I had to pull it out about the same time the radio was going in. So I haven't played with it yet. I have plugged in the flash drive and it works great. The menus weren't to my liking, but really...I haven't had a chance to play with it, so don't judge it for that. And I may have a problem with the illumination circuit I need to deal with. Couldn't get it to dim with the lights on...even though it is definitely getting a signal. Seriously though...if you want great menus and readouts, you need to buy a unit with a screen. Of course, you're going to pay twice as much too. For the price, this is a pretty darn good unit.

2 pics

here ya go... it was in the sport, but put in the scion after...


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here ya go... it was in the sport, but put in the scion after...

I was thinkin of getting it but how is it on tunability? How many band equalizer?
