What do you think about this headunit? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What do you think about this headunit?

Too much for me...

My son showed me how to turn it on and off. :) All I know is it has all the features needed - I have a JVC dd, so I don't use the Pioneer much... I know that it is a very good stereo.:thumbsup:

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here ya go... it was in the sport, but put in the scion after...

Those picture are great, thank you very much. I think my next bonus will be going toward this little number.

You are very correct about if you want better menus get one with a scree! hahah. I just can see spending $1,000 + just for the addition of GPS and a color screen when this unit is in the $250 range.

Thanks again for the pictures you have defiantly made up my mind, what mounting kit did you use?

Was it this one?


Can you provide details on how to install 6x9's? What exactly needs cutting/pics? That radio looks very nice aside from the ease of use on buttons etc. I would like to replace stock setup (works fine except for on/off button no longer works) but I really like the stock 6 disc changer in the console. Thanks,Rick

here ya go... it was in the sport, but put in the scion after...

I was thinkin of getting it but how is it on tunability? How many band equalizer?

Couple pics...

The install was not done by me, so I don't know how they did the 03, but the 01 looks pretty clear. (I just found out you can use the seat belt clip to remove the panel on the 01) I tried the install, but it wasn't working, so I took it to the shop... The stereo is very easy to use, it has a key fob remote... I just don't use that stereo often enough... ;)


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I don't know

I was thinkin of getting it but how is it on tunability? How many band equalizer?

I really don't know... I don't know much at all about audio (only what sounds good to me) :cool:

Can you provide details on how to install 6x9's? What exactly needs cutting/pics? That radio looks very nice aside from the ease of use on buttons etc. I would like to replace stock setup (works fine except for on/off button no longer works) but I really like the stock 6 disc changer in the console. Thanks,Rick

So then the stock size of the speakers are 5x7?

Max size w/o cutting is 6x8... but the difference in sound, man! A set of Pioneer 6x9s from Wal-Mart is like $70.00.

Thanks Donner, for the pics and info. I will be giving it a try. Yes I agree, I have Polk 5x7 in the front, Kenwood 5x7 in the back and 6x9's are a big difference in sound. And the prices sure have come down in the last 10 years!
Much Appreciated.

No prob... I still keep 6x8s in front because of the bass from the 6x9s. I don't have pics of the 03 install, but I had a few where I tried to see if 6x9s would fit. I stopped :) Good luck!

Thats good to know, I will put the 5x7/6x8 Kenwoods in the front (I like them over the Polks) and get some 6x9 Kenwoods for the back. Would rather not try to modify the doors anyway.

Alright I think I am about ready to pull the trigger on the new head unit and speakers.
