What's for dinner? | Page 119 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What's for dinner?

That sounds way bizarre… but I’d try it 👍
Definitely sounds strange, but I brought it to work, my family and my girlfriends family and not a single person has been against it yet, everyones said it was good! Not something you'd expect to be that good, but I guess Bubba Gump wasn't wrong with his cookbook!! lmao
I'd gladly upload the recipe if anyone else feels like being a lil' crazy lol

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Peanut Butter burger with sweet potato fries…



Mozzarella, squeeze pizza sauce, sliced pepperoni, on top of a chunk of WM Italian Loaf…


Baked chicken breast with Spanish rice. Couldn’t find a recipe for something exciting to do with the chicken, so just seasoned it with McCormick Montreal Chicken seasoning, and baked it. Topped with hatch green chile seasoning.


Panda Express. Firecracker shrimp , Teriyaki grilled chicken, half and half…


Wood fired pizza. One bbq chicken, one black olive…


Those pizzas look excellent.

Those pizzas look excellent.
12” lunch special, $10.49 each, with a 20oz pop. Pick sauce, cheese, and one topping. Good bargain IMO…

12” lunch special, $10.49 each, with a 20oz pop. Pick sauce, cheese, and one topping. Good bargain IMO…
Dam Skippy its a good deal
