Where is this grease coming from? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where is this grease coming from?


Well-Known Member
December 6, 2006
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City, State
Vienna, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Platinum (Blue)
2020 Limited 4WD.

Front passenger wheel. Very thick grease.

I'm fairly confident it's from the boot where the half axle goes into the knuckle; however, I can't see or feel any cracks or holes, and both clamps seem intact. I figure, with the centrifugal force, it wouldn't take a very large hole or crack for it to spill out like that though.

Any other possibilities, or is it almost 100% certain an issue with that boot?


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It's a small split of the axle boot right where the small clamp is. Good thing is, if you are still under powertrain warranty, it should be covered. They will replace that entire front axle half shaft.

Thanks! Is that something that would be covered under the powertrain warranty? I'm outside the 3 year / 36,000 period.

It should be covered 5Y/60,000Miles

Mine were both replaced under powertrain warranty at 38K miles.

Those of you experiencing this, is it typical to have the other side fail simultaneously or soon thereafter?

Just seems odd to me that the boot is only lasting this long, unless defective or the straps were being put on too tight.

Those of you experiencing this, is it typical to have the other side fail simultaneously or soon thereafter?

Just seems odd to me that the boot is only lasting this long, unless defective or the straps were being put on too tight.
There is a defect that the Ford tech on YouTube talked about here:


Thanks everyone.

Same thing on my 2020 ST! I'm at 52,000 miles, but no telling how long it's been like that. The grease is everywhere on both sides.

The dealer in St. Augustine is trying to tell me this isn't covered under powertrain warranty because the boot isn't a moving part. I guess by his logic, a cracked engine block or transmission housing wouldn't be covered either.

It was kind of a skeleton crew when I called this afternoon, and my normal service advisor wasn't there, so hopefully he'll clear all this up, but is there a TSB or anything from Ford I can reference for this?

Read the Powertrain coverage. Axles are specifically listed.

Read the Powertrain coverage. Axles are specifically listed.
Yes and it makes a difference which dealer you go to and which service advisor you get from my experience.

Same thing on my 2020 ST! I'm at 52,000 miles, but no telling how long it's been like that. The grease is everywhere on both sides.

The dealer in St. Augustine is trying to tell me this isn't covered under powertrain warranty because the boot isn't a moving part. I guess by his logic, a cracked engine block or transmission housing wouldn't be covered either.

It was kind of a skeleton crew when I called this afternoon, and my normal service advisor wasn't there, so hopefully he'll clear all this up, but is there a TSB or anything from Ford I can reference for this?
I would just call back and tell them that you contacted Ford and were told it is covered, because it is. You don't need a TSB or anything like that, to get warranty repair on an obvious fault where the repair is straightforward.

What this most likely is, is just a shop with enough business that they don't want to do warranty work at the lower rate. If this is their philosophy about customer service, I'd try to find a more friendly shop in the future.
