X-Ville: The Saga Continues... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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X-Ville: The Saga Continues...


Mr. Ed
October 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Atco, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport
Ok, I'm not sure if you guys have ever done this here, but this is a chain-story. This is how it works:

Each person posting adds a little to the story while shaping the direction of the saga. The story takes shape from the collective imaginations of the people participating.

Here are the rules:

1. Please keep the post short. A long post could allow one person to shape too much of the story. 3 or 4 lines should be the max but 1 or 2 would be even better.

2. You can't post twice in a row... wait for someone to post before you post again. It would even be better to wait a few posts.

3. Avoid dramatic or unrealistic reversals of someone's story direction. IE - If last post said "Jim was in a terrible accident and died", don't follow with "... but amazingly the doctors brought him back to life!" - that kinda thing can get out of hand and make the story go sour. Try to go with the story that is forming, not turn it into a different one... it's much more fun that way.

4. Try not to kill off characters others created and especially not members referenced in the story.

5. We may need to add to these rules. When that happens I will post with the subject "Rule Added".

6. If you post and find that someone has posted before you... please edit your post to reflect the new direction of the story.

I hope you guys like this idea. Have fun... I'll start the story on the next post.


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A wealthy group of Explorer owners decided to build a town in the Midwest USA just for Explorer owners to live and play. It was a grand vision and they had the money... they just needed a location.

They didn't want a spot without any offroad possibilities, but not with too much offroad either. This place would have to be just right.

They decided to build in a valley. Mountains all around for 4x4, and build a track as the center of the village. (plans for ski lifts were added in the equation) :D

It had to be a big enough area so as to build shops so that they could modify there explorers.

One person suggested a ban on imports.

The newly elected town planning board approved Black Magic's request.

Soon the town was finished, but a visitor came to town to purchase property who owned no Explorer. Tom Shiftzero owned a minivan.

So Casey Squashed him like a bug with his X, and we used his MiniVan as a Jump.

But the residents needed a leader, a mayor of X-ville.The town was getting really big really fast.Someone had to make sure no more minivans came in.

Then GIJOE came to the rescue he would be the best Sheriff of X-Ville.

and Fred would be the town MAN *****! for all of the ladies of x-ville. he would double as deputy sheriff as needed. now all the town needed was a good bartender.

Much of the social activity in X-Ville (outside of wheelin') took place at the town saloon. The owner... a X-Submarine Captain by the name of SVO, was in search of a bartender.

The only criteria for this bartender was that A. must be female B. she must be busty and bra-less C. her specialty must be shaken drinks

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As everyone was looking for a bartender they found a graveyard of fully functional disced up dana 44s, enough for each owner to do a swap, and hundreds of coilovers, leaf packs, coils, shocks, everything anyone could ever want.
