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XP8 on C&B


Get a Load O' This Guy!
Elite Explorer
December 22, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT 4x4

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Yeah I saw his youtube review a couple days ago. He was kinda harsh about the Explorer his family owned back in the day.

It was brilliant of Doug to make that auction site, where he can just use his group of youtube followers to generate more interest for certain vehicles and get more visitors on his site.

Nice share!

Although Doug was wrong on the rear headrests. You could extend them vertically.

  • The attached Carfax history report indicates that this XP8 sustained unspecified damage in September 2011.
There was somebody selling one of these right around when covid started, it had previous damage and the seller couldn't get $8k for it, I'd say it looked as good as this one. It was on Los Angeles craigslist. Amazing how much the market has changed in a few years that a similar car could get twice as much now.

  • The attached Carfax history report indicates that this XP8 sustained unspecified damage in September 2011.
There was somebody selling one of these right around when covid started, it had previous damage and the seller couldn't get $8k for it, I'd say it looked as good as this one. It was on Los Angeles craigslist. Amazing how much the market has changed in a few years that a similar car could get twice as much now.
was it that red and gold one?

  • The attached Carfax history report indicates that this XP8 sustained unspecified damage in September 2011.
There was somebody selling one of these right around when covid started, it had previous damage and the seller couldn't get $8k for it, I'd say it looked as good as this one. It was on Los Angeles craigslist. Amazing how much the market has changed in a few years that a similar car could get twice as much now.

This is my car in the listing FWIW!

The car your referring to had a salvage title - totally different car. Funny enough I contacted that guy when he was selling and we traded hoods (plus cash on my end) as my XP8 had the standard hood and I think the carbon/composite hood really completes the front-end. His car had lower miles but wasn't supercharged, and had some mods that were hit or miss - he was also missing the magnesium wheels (one cracked) and had some BBS LM reps.

I have some pics of our cars together when we did the swap...


It was cool to finally see Doug do a Saleen XP8 Ford Explorer review but was wishing I had been there to help him get alot of the facts and other info about them more clear...

Seems as if Nick will do well on the auction for this particular truck.


This is my car in the listing FWIW!

The car your referring to had a salvage title - totally different car. Funny enough I contacted that guy when he was selling and we traded hoods (plus cash on my end) as my XP8 had the standard hood and I think the carbon/composite hood really completes the front-end. His car had lower miles but wasn't supercharged, and had some mods that were hit or miss - he was also missing the magnesium wheels (one cracked) and had some BBS LM reps.

I have some pics of our cars together when we did the swap...

View attachment 443960
I didn't think they were the exact same cars, I'm glad you can fill in the facts about that listing I forgot. I remembered seeing the ad several times and the asking price slowly kept getting lower.

Lots of parts on this truck look familiar to me
I'm confused

  • The attached Carfax history report indicates that this XP8 sustained unspecified damage in September 2011.
There was somebody selling one of these right around when covid started, it had previous damage and the seller couldn't get $8k for it, I'd say it looked as good as this one. It was on Los Angeles craigslist. Amazing how much the market has changed in a few years that a similar car could get twice as much now.
That I think is the same one. It was offered out of Villa Park, California and the guy in Compton/Los Angeles bought it, made several changes and did countless videos of him doing donuts in it on social media. Nick bought the hood from him for his XP8 and then the guy in Compton/LA sold his truck to another gentleman in the area who I've seen post occasionally.

i can say the coil mount, and pulley mount is or was mine. more then likely the supercharger is or was mine as well. the guy i sold it to did put it on a saleen as well. he also had it up for sale last year or the year before. his name is damon if i remember correctly. i cant remember his screen name here however. i did have him on my facebook page as well, but he deleted his account. he also lived in hemet, ca if i also remember correctly. its funny. they guy i bought it from lived close to hemit, then it came up here to canada where i am, then back down to ca. that supercharger has been all over southern california by the looks of it.

I'm impressed that we all have seen the same things discussed in this thread. A small world.
