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Completed Project My 98 super charged EX

Use this prefix for completed projects that are not "How to" articles or threads asking for help.
1998 Explorer 4.0 SOHC
Bought it with a melted alternator/wiring harness from a junkyard for $1,000
Fixed it, drove it for two weeks, then I boosted it.
Started with an M90 supercharger kit from
Upgraded to an M112 Lightning supercharger that was a prototype kit.
Next was the M122 off a 2012 GT500
I have reached 20 lbs of boost (with ARP head studs) and a 12.83 in a quarter mile.

1. How it looked when I brought it home.
2.The M90 supercharger installed
3.The GT500 supercharger installed
4.How it looks now
green ex.jpg
Lowered Rear.jpg
Exploder wheelie.jpg

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Wow that is a large mystery. Can you readily test the injector wires separately if that's where you think the problem is narrowed down to? I mean use a wire to jump from the PCM to an injector, from each end of one of those circuit paths. Test for connections from each injector to others, to be sure they are not shorted anywhere. I'm rooting for you, it's racing time if you have something to go have fun with.

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I may get back to testing the wiring harness again after the weather changes.
Right now its way too hot for me to be comfortable working in the garage.
Here is a video of the injector tester running one of it's tests.


7 years ago today I broke into the 12's with the supercharged Explorer.
The date was ....... 12-13-14 (December 13th, 2014). I had previously been in the 13's in the 1/4 mile. There wasn't a lot of people there at Atco Dragway that night, so I got 17 runs in and these two in the picture were my 12th and 13th runs of the night.
It was a night I never want to forget!


You are still fixing it right?

Hope so

You are still fixing it right?

Hope so
It is stored away in my garage for the winter, next year I hope to get back to working on it.
It currently has exhaust leaking where the pipes meet the JBA headers, the flanges on my custom exhaust have fatigued a bit and just need to be replaced with some slightly thicker ones. After I get the exhaust fixed I have to get back to trying to figure out why bank 2 O2 sensor readings look like crap.

I'm not sure if you moved your wires in the engine valley
I tracked down a sensor wire with a kink in it that broke
Just spit balling
Also I suggest if you haven't looked inside
the fuse box for Green corrosion

First wash in 4 years. New Oxygen sensor installed. Going to have the exhaust flanges replaced soon.
Hope to have it up and running this year. Still have to break in the rings on this junkyard engine build.
