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  1. Engine bay before

    Engine bay before

    This is how the engine bay looked when the project started. It'll look a whol;e lot nicer before the motor goes back in.
  2. l46 on stand

    l46 on stand

  3. El camino motor and trans.

    El camino motor and trans.

    The motor for the El Camino is an oily, filthy pig. It is an l46 350 sbc from a 1970 'vette. I assume the trans is a 2 speed powerglide, but I'm not positive.
  4. El Camino Front View

    El Camino Front View

    A front view of the El Camino
  5. El Camino side shot

    El Camino side shot

    This is my 1972 El Camino project car. Yeah, yeah, I'm not to thrilled to be working on a filthy Chevy. These are the before pictures of a long project.