15x8" or 15x10" with 33x12.50? (advice) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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15x8" or 15x10" with 33x12.50? (advice)


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August 3, 2000
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15x10 or 15x8? with 33x12.5
OKay I am finally getting ready to mount up my 33's, in order to do this I need some wheels.

My questions is I know alot of Ranger and Explorer people go with 15x8" rims with 12.5 wide tires, this protects the rim because the tire bubbles out alot on the sides, however I have also heard that I would be running 15# of tire pressure with this setup. I am concerned about tread wear and driving on the street.

Now I know the 15x10" rim is the preferred wheel if you ask tire guys or guys at the local 4x4 shops...

Of course backspacing is a big issue on the 4x4 TTB trucks beacuse you want to clear the radius arm, fender, etc......

Most likely I will be getting the Mickey Thompson Classic II rims with the standard backspacing. Clearance on my truck shouldnt be an issue because I have the Skyjacker radius arms that are curved, and AutoFAb 3" front glass, with a 5" lift coil up front.
In the rear I will be running Duff urethane cut out flares with my skyjacker 4" leafs.

What width rim do you prefer and why, 8" or 10" with the 33x12.5.......?

Thanks for any help.....

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I would say 10 inch just because it seems safer. Is this an every day truck your putting them on? If so, you might want to consider gas milage on the 8's if your running 15psi.

I ran the 12.50's with an 8 inch rim. Like you stated already the tire protects the rim a little more then a 10 inch. Also with an 8 inch rim you have a better chance of not poping a bead when you air down. I personaly chose the 8's because of the clearence of them, the price was a little cheaper then the 10's and I liked the look when I mounted them on an 8 inch rim then with a 10 inch rim. My tires wore normalyand they road fine. I guess it all comes down to personal preference.

Yes thanks. Yes it is a daily driver (not for much lonmger, one more year maybe)

I dont know if 15# is what the 33's would sit flat at, I have just heard a few numbers from people with 8" rims, anything from 10# to 20# on the street.....yikes!!!

I have 15x8s and 33x12.50s and run 34 psi on the street. I chose 8s due to clearance and rim protection.

If you have the room, go for the 10s; a wider wheel usually doesn't hurt if you have the clearance for them. However, there isn't much drawback to 15x8s.

I had a '86 Bronco II with a 6" Skyjacker. Mine had the stock 7.5 rear and Dana 28 front, so I don't know if the width is different on yours. But I ran 10" Centerlines with 33 BFG and 3 3/8 backspacing. Originally I wanted 35 BFG and they hit on the front lower fender. I can't tell from your pics if you have removed this part and filled it in with the bumper. (I mean just the low metal in front of the tire). I was going to try a 89+ fender that has this part replaced by the fender wrapping around.
I had to order my rims because the standard backspacing for the Centerline were 4 3/8. Because I didn't run flares, they really stuck out. I wish I would have run the 4 3/8.
