1995 Ford Explorer Limited HU Replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1995 Ford Explorer Limited HU Replacement


New Member
March 24, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 - Ford Explorer Ltd.
Hello All,

I've been searching this forum and reading posts quite a bit over the past few weeks. Great resource here. I just got myself a 1995 Ford Explorer Limited handed down to me from my parents that is in excellent shape. The only issue with the car is that it really needs to have the HU upgraded. At present, the CD Changer does not work (doesn't really matter as I prefer iPod control anyway).

Based on the many posts I've read here, I'm going to need to take a dremel tool to the opening on the bezel in order to fit the Double Din Head Unit I've purchased. This shouldn't be a problem and I feel comfortable doing it.

However, what I am nervous about is the various stories I've heard regarding difficulties connecting the new HU to the factory amplifier. My original plan was to utilize the ROEM-FRD2 to connect to the system. (The system in question would be the JBL Audiophile System. CD Changer in armrest, amp, and sub in the rear panel.)

However, now I'm hearing that the stereos in 95 Explorer Limiteds may actually be the stereos put in the 94 Explorers, in which case I would need the adapter ROEM-FRD1 to properly integrate it into the system. Furthermore, I'm hearing that perhaps neither would work and I might need some 18ft long Metra adapter to run all the way from my factory amp to the new Head Unit.

Can anyone here tell me exactly what adapter/harness I need to install a new head unit on a 1995 Explorer Limited, with a factory amplifier and factory subwoofer? Ideally I don't want to rewire anything and I want to use the factory amp and sub with the new head unit. Any information from someone who has completed this exact install successfully would be much appreciated.

Thank you all for your help.

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Hello All,

I've been searching this forum and reading posts quite a bit over the past few weeks. Great resource here. I just got myself a 1995 Ford Explorer Limited handed down to me from my parents that is in excellent shape. The only issue with the car is that it really needs to have the HU upgraded. At present, the CD Changer does not work (doesn't really matter as I prefer iPod control anyway).

Based on the many posts I've read here, I'm going to need to take a dremel tool to the opening on the bezel in order to fit the Double Din Head Unit I've purchased. This shouldn't be a problem and I feel comfortable doing it.

However, what I am nervous about is the various stories I've heard regarding difficulties connecting the new HU to the factory amplifier. My original plan was to utilize the ROEM-FRD2 to connect to the system. (The system in question would be the JBL Audiophile System. CD Changer in armrest, amp, and sub in the rear panel.)

However, now I'm hearing that the stereos in 95 Explorer Limiteds may actually be the stereos put in the 94 Explorers, in which case I would need the adapter ROEM-FRD1 to properly integrate it into the system. Furthermore, I'm hearing that perhaps neither would work and I might need some 18ft long Metra adapter to run all the way from my factory amp to the new Head Unit.

Can anyone here tell me exactly what adapter/harness I need to install a new head unit on a 1995 Explorer Limited, with a factory amplifier and factory subwoofer? Ideally I don't want to rewire anything and I want to use the factory amp and sub with the new head unit. Any information from someone who has completed this exact install successfully would be much appreciated.

Thank you all for your help.

Welcome to the forum.

The 95 Explorer does not use a 94 radio.. First Gen ex's had single din radios.

You will need to bypass the factory amp or incorporate it.
You basically have 4 options.

1. Buy a harness that just uses the factory amp.
2. Buy a harness that bypasses the amp via a really long harness. (The one you mentioned)
3. Rewire the trucks speakers yourself.
4. Bypass the amp by splicing the in wires and the out wires together. (My personal choice)

I recommend taking the panel off, and connecting all the wires that go into the amp with the wires going out, which should fully bypass it.
The only problem is, you'll need to take your door panels off to see which colored wire goes to which speaker.

Let me see if I can find a diagram of it.

Here you go:


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Thanks so much for your reply and for the diagram. Ideally I'd like to utilize a harness that uses the factory amp. I'm looking to keep this install as simple as possible. Can you recommend the correct harness to do this?

Thanks again,



Thanks so much for your reply and for the diagram. Ideally I'd like to utilize a harness that uses the factory amp. I'm looking to keep this install as simple as possible. Can you recommend the correct harness to do this?

Thanks again,


By using the stock amp, the sound quality won't improve too much, since it'll be limited to the stock amp.

This is to keep the stock amp. http://www.amazon.com/Stereo-Harness-Explorer-Wiring-Installation/dp/B000KL0LVW

Make sure you disable the amp on the head unit or you'll be sending too strong a signal to the amp.

Perfect, thanks so much for the info.

The goal right now isn't really to improve the sound quality too much. Just wanted to install something that can handle my media, iPod, and has a gps built in. I may redo the entire system in the car later on, but being that this explorer is going on 20 years old, I'm a little hesitant to invest too much into it.

Thanks again so much for the help. I'll let you know how everything works out.


Perfect, thanks so much for the info.

The goal right now isn't really to improve the sound quality too much. Just wanted to install something that can handle my media, iPod, and has a gps built in. I may redo the entire system in the car later on, but being that this explorer is going on 20 years old, I'm a little hesitant to invest too much into it.

Thanks again so much for the help. I'll let you know how everything works out.


Good luck!

