1st generation rust free Montana body parting out..... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1st generation rust free Montana body parting out.....

I have a 1st generation explorer with a rust free body that i'm parting out. No engine or tranny. Seats are also spoken for and back hatch is sold. Anything else please ask. Located in NW Montana but can ship....


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Center console arm rest?

Did it have power mirrors and windows?

If so do you have the driver side master switch that controls the windows and mirrors.

am also looking for a passenger side taillight and radiator

I may be interested in the visor as well.

Are those warn manual locking hubs? If they are I'd be interested if you're willing to ship them. My brother over in Circle, MT needs some for his 94 explorer. Feel free to call/text him at 406.939.1629 or you can just PM me on here. Call would be preferred though. Thanks!

need instrument cluster 92 exp in ronan mt

How much for the front bumper? PM me.
