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2.5L Turbo Diesel RANGER, 4x4, Crew cab

im bringing mine from mexico in about a week since theres no permits required uncle sam so at the texas border do i just say im a visitor??

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if theres too many problems to register it over here which i think it will be hard i might then yes i need to post pics of if will do it tommorow

what year what engine??? where will it be what state ect come on details man

...:dunno:...Maybe you guys can chat about it in pm's so unclesam's Ranger Registry doesn't turn into a For Sale thread for someone else's vehicles...:D

its not a disiel its just a 2.3 liter 4 cylinder like in the us, 2wd

big5dog If it has Mex plates on it and you have your U.S. passport, just say that you have a place in Mex and are going to be taking it back in a few weeks. Mine has Belize Plates and Title and with my U.S. passport I said I would be returning to Belize in a few months. Uncle Sam Also talk to me on my e-mail. sam.scott@live.com

You still able to sell these? I live in Texas and would be interested to talk about it. PM me or just post up here if you still get them. Pretty much my dream truck. :)


So I was just curious, being that this is a few years old. Have they started making these trucks with diesel in the US yet?

So I was just curious, being that this is a few years old. Have they started making these trucks with diesel in the US yet?

Not hardly... In fact the Ranger has been completely canceled in the US.

Sadly, the big three have been scared to bring any light duty diesels to the US.

anyone in here able to get there hands on a in tact cab for one of these at all, dont need the frame or drivetrain, thanks

Has anyone every successfully brought one to the states and gotten it registered? Would be considering a road trip lol
