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2000 ford explorer ltd $1000


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
I'm selling my 2000 ford explorer ltd. It unfortunately may need the transmission and motor rebuilt as the trans goes into limp mode almost immediately. It still has all gears but shifts a little rough. Trans also doesn't have tc lock up. Other than that common v6 rattle. Interior is in great shape every option works. I also have a whole bunch of new parts shocks hubs tensioners that will go with it. Engine just had a tune up about 15k ago. Brand new hancook at2s 31 10.50 15. If you need anything else hit me up located in Laramie wyoming


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noooooo youre selling it? keep it keep it keep it as an extra vehicle! but all things aside someone gonna get a good deal out of this.

noooooo youre selling it? keep it keep it keep it as an extra vehicle! but all things aside someone gonna get a good deal out of this.
I got another vehicle there's no need to keep this one unfortunately.

Well apparently no one wants to bite. It's been up for sale at corner and no luck.

It's basically a parts car that needs some minor cosmetic work to the front end. The price is a little high.

It's basically a parts car that needs some minor cosmetic work to the front end. The price is a little high.
a least in LA if it so much as starts its worth a grand!

I'm selling my 2000 ford explorer ltd. It unfortunately may need the transmission and motor rebuilt as the trans goes into limp mode almost immediately. It still has all gears but shifts a little rough. Trans also doesn't have tc lock up. Other than that common v6 rattle. Interior is in great shape every option works. I also have a whole bunch of new parts shocks hubs tensioners that will go with it. Engine just had a tune up about 15k ago. Brand new hancook at2s 31 10.50 15. If you need anything else hit me up located in Laramie wyoming

View attachment 439079
if i was close by id buy it from you
