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2012 Explorer Limited Driver Seat Issues


New Member
May 4, 2024
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City, State
Columbus, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Explorer Limited
Hello all. So I purchased ‘12 Explorer Limited in December. But told the dealership I wanted the drivers seat cover replaced (as it was ripped). They did so at their expense, and had an upholstery shop fit and put on the new seat.
Well now one of the seat movement controls and the heating and cooling of the seat doesn’t work. The passenger side does, so I’m wondering if the guy did something.
I don’t really want to take the SUV back to that dealership, as it’s a 35 mile drive each way. I reset my Sync, because I was googling and they said it could be the issue. That didn’t fix it.

Anyone have any ideas on how I might be able to fix this?


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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I had a 2011 limited just like that.
If you haven't done so, check all the connectors and wiring under the seat. Did this happen right after the cushion was replaced or some time later on?


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I had a 2011 limited just like that.
If you haven't done so, check all the connectors and wiring under the seat. Did this happen right after the cushion was replaced or some time later on?

Well I’m guessing it happened when the cushion was replaced. I wouldn’t buy it until they replaced it. So I didn’t have it but a day before they replaced it.
I looked under the seat. Good grief there’s so many connections! I’ll give that a go.

Well I’m guessing it happened when the cushion was replaced. I wouldn’t buy it until they replaced it. So I didn’t have it but a day before they replaced it.
I looked under the seat. Good grief there’s so many connections! I’ll give that a go.

Well I’m guessing it happened when the cushion was replaced. I wouldn’t buy it until they replaced it. So I didn’t have it but a day before they replaced it.
I looked under the seat. Good grief there’s so many connections! I’ll give that a go.
Well I tried looking for an unhooked cord, but I don’t see anything not plugged in. I guess I’m going to have to have someone look at it.

Even though they looked plugged-in, sometimes connectors aren't fully seated even when they look latched. It's a pain, but I would disconnect all of them and check for any bent or broken pins. Check for any debris around the outside of the connector that may prevent it from fully seating. Add a dab of silicone lubricant around the outside of each connector housing to help reduce the friction when you re-connect them.

Even though they looked plugged-in, sometimes connectors aren't fully seated even when they look latched. It's a pain, but I would disconnect all of them and check for any bent or broken pins. Check for any debris around the outside of the connector that may prevent it from fully seating. Add a dab of silicone lubricant around the outside of each connector housing to help reduce the friction when you re-connect them.
I’ll give that a try, thanks!
