2015 EXPLORER FPIU ISSUE | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 2015 Ford Explorer FPIU won't start. All my electronics come on, but it will not start. It has over 189,000 miles on the odometer, and it was just subject to an oil change a month ago. I got it from a guy that got it from the city of Columbus, Ohio and the only thing he had to fix on it was the radiator hose. Any help would be appreciated before I have a mechanic look at it.

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My 2015 Ford Explorer FPIU won't start. All my electronics come on, but it will not start. It has over 189,000 miles on the odometer, and it was just subject to an oil change a month ago. I got it from a guy that got it from the city of Columbus, Ohio and the only thing he had to fix on it was the radiator hose. Any help would be appreciated before I have a mechanic look at it.
Probably a bad starter, if you can hear a click when you turn the key to start, the starter is bad. Alternatively, you can whack at the starter as someone tries to crank it, and if the car turns over with someone whacking at the starter, it's likely a bad starter. I wouldn't have bought it with the amount of miles it has on it, and the issues it may have.

My 2015 Ford Explorer FPIU won't start. All my electronics come on, but it will not start. It has over 189,000 miles on the odometer, and it was just subject to an oil change a month ago. I got it from a guy that got it from the city of Columbus, Ohio and the only thing he had to fix on it was the radiator hose. Any help would be appreciated before I have a mechanic look at it.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Have you tried to see if it will start with a boost?


A few details might help, but off the top of my head:

First, shift to Neutral and try again in Neutral, then work the shifter a couple of times and try again in Park. Might be a bad/dirty/out of adjustment shifter safety switch.

Next, check battery voltage, with VOM Positive lead on the battery and Negative lead on a bare bolt on the body, NOT ON THE BATTERY. 12 VDC or higher? Remove the battery terminals (Negative FIRST) and clean them (the tool for this is about $4), then put them back on a tighten the bolts. Try again, with VOM hooked up, watching to see if the voltage drops. If it goes below 10 volts, have the battery tested. If it's okay, suspect the starter.

No click from the solenoid? Could be weak battery, bad solenoid OR a bad connection somewhere between battery and solenoid pull-in terminal. Click but no turn? Or click and slight movement of the motor? Could be bad solenoid, bad starter, bad wiring or weak battery.

If none of these points you the right way, it's time to either refer to the workshop manual or call in an expert.

A few details might help, but off the top of my head:

First, shift to Neutral and try again in Neutral, then work the shifter a couple of times and try again in Park. Might be a bad/dirty/out of adjustment shifter safety switch.

Next, check battery voltage, with VOM Positive lead on the battery and Negative lead on a bare bolt on the body, NOT ON THE BATTERY. 12 VDC or higher? Remove the battery terminals (Negative FIRST) and clean them (the tool for this is about $4), then put them back on a tighten the bolts. Try again, with VOM hooked up, watching to see if the voltage drops. If it goes below 10 volts, have the battery tested. If it's okay, suspect the starter.

No click from the solenoid? Could be weak battery, bad solenoid OR a bad connection somewhere between battery and solenoid pull-in terminal. Click but no turn? Or click and slight movement of the motor? Could be bad solenoid, bad starter, bad wiring or weak battery.

If none of these points you the right way, it's time to either refer to the workshop manual or call in an expert.
my diagnostic device that sits on my dashboard was saying today that the battery's got 11.5 volts. When I tried to turn it over, I hear a click. I'm not sure where it's coming from, other than somewhere in my engine area. I'm not 100% mechanically inclined, and not familiar with the Explorers.

my diagnostic device that sits on my dashboard was saying today that the battery's got 11.5 volts. When I tried to turn it over, I hear a click. I'm not sure where it's coming from, other than somewhere in my engine area. I'm not 100% mechanically inclined, and not familiar with the Explorers.
Then you need to charge the battery, at the very least.

my diagnostic device that sits on my dashboard was saying today that the battery's got 11.5 volts. When I tried to turn it over, I hear a click. I'm not sure where it's coming from, other than somewhere in my engine area. I'm not 100% mechanically inclined, and not familiar with the Explorers.
Charge the battery and try to start it with a jumper box, then disconnect it while the car is running, if the car stalls, the battery is bad or you got a bad alternator.

my diagnostic device that sits on my dashboard was saying today that the battery's got 11.5 volts. When I tried to turn it over, I hear a click. I'm not sure where it's coming from, other than somewhere in my engine area. I'm not 100% mechanically inclined, and not familiar with the Explorers.
I would think that the 'click' you hear is the starter's solenoid switch. As asked before, have you tried starting it with a boost?


I would think that the 'click' you hear is the starter's solenoid switch. As asked before, have you tried starting it with a boost?

I tried to jump it off, and it wouldn't do anything other than click.

I tried to jump it off, and it wouldn't do anything other than click.
That to me sounds like power is getting to the solenoid but the starter isn't working.


I tried to jump it off, and it wouldn't do anything other than click.
Again, have you tried beating on the starter while someone tries to crank it? If it starts when beating on it, it's a bad starter.

My 2015 Ford Explorer FPIU won't start. All my electronics come on, but it will not start. It has over 189,000 miles on the odometer, and it was just subject to an oil change a month ago. I got it from a guy that got it from the city of Columbus, Ohio and the only thing he had to fix on it was the radiator hose. Any help would be appreciated before I have a mechanic look at it.
This issue has been fixed by a car dealership. Twas the starter and battery. Thank you guys

This issue has been fixed by a car dealership. Twas the starter and battery. Thank you guys
Thank you for reporting back.👍 I suspect the starter was the main issue.

