2016 PIU. Aftermarket Remote. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 PIU. Aftermarket Remote.

Thanks for your reply. I was able to program factory fobs (without remote start buttons) using an Autel scanner. The Autel allowed me to enter the codes that come with the fobs and everything worked great. I was also able to enable the alarm with Forscan and it works as well. Now I'm trying to figure out if a factory option exist for remote start. I know there are aftermaket solutions but I really like to stay as original as possible. I had a dealer tell me they believe that FT4Z19A361A and EL3Z19G364B would work and am considering buying this.

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The ability to have remote start is built into the vehicle. The ability to turn it on and off is not. That's what I use the Fortin for.

In my case, even before I enabled the r/s options in the IPC....the Fortin worked. The truck defaults to "automatic" for the HVAC when on remote start. Adding the r/s options in the IPC allow you to select how long the engine runs, if the HVAC uses "last settings" or "automatic:", etc.

The short story is....for '16 and later...you need a r/s module to make remote start function.

Hello Matt, can you explain what you mean by "the ability to have remote start is built into the vehicle"? Does this mean that remote start is there in the 2016 PIU but not turned on?

Apologizes for my ignorance.

Hello Matt, can you explain what you mean by "the ability to have remote start is built into the vehicle"? Does this mean that remote start is there in the 2016 PIU but not turned on?

Apologizes for my ignorance.
Yes. Needs to be turned on and off with a separate device. I used a Fortin Evo-All. Almost 100% plug and play, uses the Ford fobs....about $150

Yes. Needs to be turned on and off with a separate device. I used a Fortin Evo-All. Almost 100% plug and play, uses the Ford fobs....about $150
Hmm. I had a new key and fob made at the dealership this morning (cost $210) They stated that only that key and fob (see image) would work with my particular model. They also informed me that my vehicle does not come with remote start (they made that determination from looking at that 'spec sheet' that is usually posted on the windows on cars for sale (see attached).

Are they mistaken on both statements?

Ford Key.jpg


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Hmm. I had a new key and fob made at the dealership this morning (cost $210) They stated that only that key and fob (see image) would work with my particular model. They also informed me that my vehicle does not come with remote start (they made that determination from looking at that 'spec sheet' that is usually posted on the windows on cars for sale (see attached).

Are they mistaken on both statements?

View attachment 431340
If I'm not mistaken, remote start can be enabled if you have a sync system (i.e. bluetooth). But you would need to use a dongle and forscan to enable it.

I have a 2016 PIU. So it doesn't have a remote door unlock. I really don't want remote start. Could I just buy and install an aftermarket door remote instead of going to a dealer to get it turned on and then getting an oem remote programmed?
No 16
I have a 2016 PIU. So it doesn't have a remote door unlock. I really don't want remote start. Could I just buy and install an aftermarket door remote instead of going to a dealer to get it turned on and then getting an oem remote programmed?
You can but you will need an alarm added I just purchased two fobs from dealership for $45 each and $70 to program

No 16

You can but you will need an alarm added I just purchased two fobs from dealership for $45 each and $70 to program
Here in NY i just purchased one fob and a key from a dealership with programming and it cost me $210. Ridiculous
