2016 Rear AC Line Blockoff?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 Rear AC Line Blockoff??


New Member
August 28, 2020
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St Pauln MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Ford Explorer Sport
Hey Guys,

My beloved 2016 Sport lost AC on my recent road trip to denver. When I got home, the dealer said that it is the rear AC line leaking, and quoted me $2400 to replace it.

Has anyone blocked off their rear AC lines? I'd rather do that for now so I can save up and do it right come spring. I've been having a hard time finding the location of the evaporator online. I'm starting to feel like I may be stuck shilling out for the whole line.

Any advice or help would be appreciated.

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Hey Guys,

My beloved 2016 Sport lost AC on my recent road trip to denver. When I got home, the dealer said that it is the rear AC line leaking, and quoted me $2400 to replace it.

Has anyone blocked off their rear AC lines? I'd rather do that for now so I can save up and do it right come spring. I've been having a hard time finding the location of the evaporator online. I'm starting to feel like I may be stuck shilling out for the whole line.

Any advice or help would be appreciated.
I'm in the same boat. My rear AC line leaks under the protective sleeve behind the rear driver side wheel.

Get this, I testdrove and then bought the Ex in Fall 2017 and during the test drive the AC wasnt working (in addition to a couple other silly issues). The dealer "repaired" the AC and so the purchase was made.. 1 week later there was a huge pool of green dye behind the rear driver side wheel. Because we bought the Ex as CPO which included a 1yr warranty, the dealer put it through as a a claim to Ford Canada. (i suspect that was their plan all along rather than taking a $ hit before the sale). The entire lines were replaced in May 2018. No charge.

Fastforward 2+ years later. it's leaking again! Same spot. and corrosion under the sleeve seems to be the issue. I too got a quote for $2500 because the 2yr parts/labour warranty from the 2018 repair expired in May 2020. Dealing with the service manager hit a wall and Ford Canada simply told me the warranty was over. FML

Those AC lines shouldn't fail in 30 months.

I'm in the same boat. My rear AC line leaks under the protective sleeve behind the rear driver side wheel.

Get this, I testdrove and then bought the Ex in Fall 2017 and during the test drive the AC wasnt working (in addition to a couple other silly issues). The dealer "repaired" the AC and so the purchase was made.. 1 week later there was a huge pool of green dye behind the rear driver side wheel. Because we bought the Ex as CPO which included a 1yr warranty, the dealer put it through as a a claim to Ford Canada. (i suspect that was their plan all along rather than taking a $ hit before the sale). The entire lines were replaced in May 2018. No charge.

Fastforward 2+ years later. it's leaking again! Same spot. and corrosion under the sleeve seems to be the issue. I too got a quote for $2500 because the 2yr parts/labour warranty from the 2018 repair expired in May 2020. Dealing with the service manager hit a wall and Ford Canada simply told me the warranty was over. FML

Those AC lines shouldn't fail in 30 months.
Mine is leaking in the exact same spot. Hearing that your was repaired and broke again makes me really not want to replace the line in the first place.

I have been very unimpressed with ford service, this seems to be a common issue that they refuse to do anything about. I also have the hood corrosion, couldn’t get it into the shop until 1 month after my warranty ran out and they won’t even budge a cent on helping me out.

Mine is leaking in the exact same spot. Hearing that your was repaired and broke again makes me really not want to replace the line in the first place.

I have been very unimpressed with ford service, this seems to be a common issue that they refuse to do anything about. I also have the hood corrosion, couldn’t get it into the shop until 1 month after my warranty ran out and they won’t even budge a cent on helping me out.
Is the warranty you are referring to the 5 years, unlimited mileage warranty on aluminum panels?


Mine is leaking in the exact same spot. Hearing that your was repaired and broke again makes me really not want to replace the line in the first place.

I have been very unimpressed with ford service, this seems to be a common issue that they refuse to do anything about. I also have the hood corrosion, couldn’t get it into the shop until 1 month after my warranty ran out and they won’t even budge a cent on helping me out.

It's my understanding that the protective heat sleeve traps moisture because the rest of the line front to back still looks brand new. (as they should). If I get it repaired again, i'll look to find an alternate way to protect that area. In an earlier post #141, there seems to be aftermarket hoses that can help with this...

Is the warranty you are referring to the 5 years, unlimited mileage warranty on aluminum panels?

Yep that’s the one, bought my Explorer in may, wasn’t aware I had warranty coverage still on it for that until I took it into the dealer for my AC. They told me that even though warranty ran out about a month ago they should still be able to help out. Took it to the body shop, they said the same thing. They filed a claim with Ford, and Ford denied it. Dealer suggested I call Ford and try to appeal it, when I called Ford the customer service people were absolutely useless and didn’t even know the 16 Explorer has a 5 year/unlimited mileage corrosion warranty. I even offered to send them a picture of the manual saying it and they weren’t interested and said there’s nothing they can do and ford has never offered to replace those hoods before.

We used to have Ford Service reps on this Forum until about 3 years ago and their job was just a go-between the customer and the Ford regional managers who then dealt with the dealers. They are obviously not techs.

