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2020 - 2021 ST/Platinum Instrument Cluster

So yes, I did the upgrade. You can very easily perform this upgrade. There’s two main things you need to do when swapping the cluster. Your new cluster must be the same or lower in miles than your existing. You can not lower the miles if you get a cluster with more than what you have. You can easily adjust the mileage in forscan. Also, once you install the new cluster all you have to do is load the as built settings into the cluster and you’re done.

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Wow, that's amazing news! Thank-you so much for reporting back !
How were you able to get your hands on a cluster? I'm assuming Ford wont just sell me a new one right ?

You could try and get one from the dealer but it will be expensive. I just kept checking the internet by searching the part number. I finally found one with low miles. The problem is finding a used one with less miles than what you have and then the other obstacle is finding one where the lens isn’t scratched or cracked. Although mine did have some serious scratches but if you’re patient enough and spend the time you can buff them out. If there’s cracks then you can’t do anything about that. Having the full screen cluster is really nice and worth the upgrade.

Wow, that's amazing news! Thank-you so much for reporting back !
How were you able to get your hands on a cluster? I'm assuming Ford wont just sell me a new one right ?
If you want a new one, you should be able to order one from several of the sites that carry Ford parts. Levittown is a forum vendor and offers members a discount.
Genuine Ford Parts Dealer Online | Levittown Ford Parts If you order from Fordparts you will be paying full price.


You could try and get one from the dealer but it will be expensive. I just kept checking the internet by searching the part number. I finally found one with low miles. The problem is finding a used one with less miles than what you have and then the other obstacle is finding one where the lens isn’t scratched or cracked. Although mine did have some serious scratches but if you’re patient enough and spend the time you can buff them out. If there’s cracks then you can’t do anything about that. Having the full screen cluster is really nice and worth the upgrade.
Thank-you so much again for taking the time to post updates here. :) I think I found myself a nice little summer project once it starts to get warmer.

If you want a new one, you should be able to order one from several of the sites that carry Ford parts. Levittown is a forum vendor and offers members a discount.
Genuine Ford Parts Dealer Online | Levittown Ford Parts If you order from Fordparts you will be paying full price.

Nice, thanks! Will check it out

Any DIY or pics of the upgrade? Any missing features? Does it show CarPlay nav directions in the instrument cluster ?

Thank-you so much again for taking the time to post updates here. :) I think I found myself a nice little summer project once it starts to get warmer.

Nice, thanks! Will check it out
Did you end up doing this?

Did you end up doing this?
Perhaps he's busy doing the project or perhaps he is no longer following the thread. He was last seen here on April 19th. I hope it's the former.


How does this compare to the Aviator dash?

How does this compare to the Aviator dash?
The instrument cluster seems to be quite different if the picture in post #1 is what they are referring to.


The instrument cluster seems to be quite different if the picture in post #1 is what they are referring to.

Yeah, the "skin" on it is totally different, but I wonder if the actual display/module is the same, just with different settings behind it all.

Yeah, the "skin" on it is totally different, but I wonder if the actual display/module is the same, just with different settings behind it all.
Looks like different part numbers...

LC5Z-10849-D for Lincoln Aviator
LB5Z-10849-GA for Ford Explorer, both about $1,000!

Hi all. Found a site that offers the full digital cluster. 2020+ Ford Explorer 12-inch Full Digital Speedometer EVIC Instrument Panel Cluster

I did it, works and looks great !

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