2020 Explorer Issues - 4WD Fault, Pre Collision Assist Not Available, Service Advance Trac | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 Explorer Issues - 4WD Fault, Pre Collision Assist Not Available, Service Advance Trac

You will find that the only way to fix it is to have the wire harness replaced. I reported this earlier in the thread. I had every module changed and the dealer had real time experience with the issues. Only after the harness was changed is when all the lights, warnings, intermittent starting etc…. Stopped.

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You will find that the only way to fix it is to have the wire harness replaced. I reported this earlier in the thread. I had every module changed and the dealer had real time experience with the issues. Only after the harness was changed is when all the lights, warnings, intermittent starting etc…. Stopped.
Hopefully they will do this and not replace a sensor again. Mine was ok for about 6 months or more after the half shaft speed sensor was replaced and software was reset.

It's been a month or so since my mother got her Platinum back from the dealer with the aforementioned issues. The dealer had the vehicle for 4 weeks or more. They kept saying they were waiting on xyz parts to do the grounding splice per the TSB. At the end of the day all they did was replace the TCCM. Interestingly enough the Part Number on this 'new' one starts with an 'SV' then L1MA-7P239-BB vs the original L1MA-79238-YB, but the H/W and Site Numbers are the same. Not sure what the SV prefix might mean, but everything has been working fine so far (fingers crossed).

Oh and they charged her like $500 to replace the module on a 2020 with less than 25K miles. She opened a complaint with Ford but most likely nothing will come of that. Sad times!

It's been a month or so since my mother got her Platinum back from the dealer with the aforementioned issues. The dealer had the vehicle for 4 weeks or more. They kept saying they were waiting on xyz parts to do the grounding splice per the TSB. At the end of the day all they did was replace the TCCM. Interestingly enough the Part Number on this 'new' one starts with an 'SV' then L1MA-7P239-BB vs the original L1MA-79238-YB, but the H/W and Site Numbers are the same. Not sure what the SV prefix might mean, but everything has been working fine so far (fingers crossed).

Oh and they charged her like $500 to replace the module on a 2020 with less than 25K miles. She opened a complaint with Ford but most likely nothing will come of that. Sad times!
Mine is in the shop now and the service advisor said the work to be done will be based on what codes they find in OBD. He mentioned 2 sensors and when I showed him this above TSB he said he's seen one of those done before too.

Mine is in the shop now and the service advisor said the work to be done will be based on what codes they find in OBD. He mentioned 2 sensors and when I showed him this above TSB he said he's seen one of those done before too.
GOOD NEWS: I got an update today. This time they ordered two half-shaft disconnects for the front axles. It is NOT a sensor this time. Last summer they replaced the half-shaft speed sensor. I also had both front CV axles replaced last year due to leaking grease from the boot. The advisor said it should be under powertrain warranty just like the above mentioned parts replacements last year. I'm at 49K miles. and just over 4 years. They also provided a free loaner car.

GOOD NEWS: I got an update today. This time they ordered two half-shaft disconnects for the front axles. It is NOT a sensor this time. Last summer they replaced the half-shaft speed sensor. I also had both front CV axles replaced last year due to leaking grease from the boot. The advisor said it should be under powertrain warranty just like the above mentioned parts replacements last year. I'm at 49K miles. and just over 4 years. They also provided a free loaner car.
GOOD NEWS: I got an update today. This time they ordered two half-shaft disconnects for the front axles. It is NOT a sensor this time. Last summer they replaced the half-shaft speed sensor. I also had both front CV axles replaced last year due to leaking grease from the boot. The advisor said it should be under powertrain warranty just like the above mentioned parts replacements last year. I'm at 49K miles. and just over 4 years. They also provided a free loaner car.
That is great to hear. That’s interesting about the axels, I had the exact same on my 2020 ST 3 weeks ago at 49k miles, and was covered under powertrain warranty so no cost to me. Good luck on the rest of your repair.

That is great to hear. That’s interesting about the axels, I had the exact same on my 2020 ST 3 weeks ago at 49k miles, and was covered under powertrain warranty so no cost to me. Good luck on the rest of your repair.
Wow same parts failed at same mileage? It's like they designed it to last a short time!

So for the 5th time my 2020 ST has lit up like a Christmas tree when getting off of the highway. Warning lights come all at once: 4WD Fault Service Required, Service AdvanceTrac, Pre-Collision Assist Not Available, +Hill assist not available + Auto Hold Fault.

Warning lights immediately disappear when the car is restarted, and the car is not thrown into a limp mode when these issues come on.

I did some searching and the only experience I could find of something similar was on reddit and the car ended up getting lemoned without any specific root cause explained.

Going to call the dealer on Monday, but please reach out if you have had a similar experience or know someone that has!
Yes got it a year ago, it was AWD module which even under warranty they charged me half $1200 but i paid $600

Yes got it a year ago, it was AWD module which even under warranty they charged me half $1200 but i paid $600
I don't understand why you had to pay anything if it was covered under warranty.:dunno:


I don't understand why you had to pay anything if it was covered under warranty.:dunno:

Especially for a $124,00 part (AWD module) which is located under the driver’s seat and easily accessible… add to that an hour for reprogramming and maybe an other for install.
In the picture, you can see it just below the black plastic vent, carpeting is already “cut” from factory.


I just had this done under powertrain warranty. I had the codes and grinding noise when turning backing in and out or making a u-turn and the car also drove lurchy with intermittent disconnecting and reconnecting of front axle AWD. It took about a week to complete and was provided a free rental car. I have 49,700 miles and 8 months left on Powertrain Warranty!


You will find that the only way to fix it is to have the wire harness replaced. I reported this earlier in the thread. I had every module changed and the dealer had real time experience with the issues. Only after the harness was changed is when all the lights, warnings, intermittent starting etc…. Stopped.
Do you have any part number for the wiring harness on your itemized invoice that you could share?

Do you have any part number for the wiring harness on your itemized invoice that you could share?
The service advisor said they repair based on what codes are present but he knew about the 2 sensors and the wiring harness and had experience with both fixes for other customers. Mine was under TSB 2174 for the front axle as seen above. If it's not fixed for me then there are 2 more remedies I guess. Crossing my fingers!

Hi all, I am new to the forum and have been experiencing the same issues with the AWD system.
Replaced the shaft speed sensor, cleaned the connections and all accordingly to the TSB protocol but still same issues.

The one which consistently comes back is “4WD Fault Service” the other usual suspects come and go.

Narrowed it down to short to ground or Internal power issues inside the module.
Will heck connections to the module inder the driver seat as well as seat.

Thinking of getting a new Control Module.

But my question is, Is it plug and play or does it need reprogrammed??

Ran self tests and got as well as DTC and this is what I got (attached).

I will also attempt to document what I find along the way, in case this can help someone.

Thanks for any help ;).

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Hi, friend! What application and interface did you use to see these error codes?
