2021 ST Line PHEV Driveline vibration | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2021 ST Line PHEV Driveline vibration


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April 13, 2024
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2021 ST Line, PHEV
Hi all,

I'm experiencing a driveline vibration most noticeable at speeeds 53-63 kmh (33-39 mph) and a bit above 80 kmh ( 50 mph). It makes a drone sound that sounds like when a back window is open in highway speeds. The noise/vibration is present independent of drive mode and when in neutral. It seems to come somewhere from the center, below the center console.

I went to the dealer and they proposed changing the hanger bearing on the intermediate drive shaft, as this can cause NVH-issues.

After the change I now have an even stronger drone noise and vibrations at only the first speed range of 53- 63 kmh that I suspect is due to a tighter bearing capable of transferring stronger forces to the chassis.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue before and been able to get it resolved?


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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Are your tires the 21" Pirelli ones? They have sound-deadening material in them that could break loose. Have you had the tire balance checked?
A member in the following thread suggested putting the vehicle in neutral when it happens to see if the vibration is still present to try and isolate the issue. Driveline vibration ST


Hi all,

I'm experiencing a driveline vibration most noticeable at speeeds 53-63 kmh (33-39 mph) and a bit above 80 kmh ( 50 mph). It makes a drone sound that sounds like when a back window is open in highway speeds. The noise/vibration is present independent of drive mode and when in neutral. It seems to come somewhere from the center, below the center console.

I went to the dealer and they proposed changing the hanger bearing on the intermediate drive shaft, as this can cause NVH-issues.

After the change I now have an even stronger drone noise and vibrations at only the first speed range of 53- 63 kmh that I suspect is due to a tighter bearing capable of transferring stronger forces to the chassis.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue before and been able to get it resolved?

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and I'm experiencing exactly the same issue as Eirik described in his post in April. Same speed ranges and also with me the vibration became more noticeable after they replaced the bearing on the intermediate drive shaft.

This car has been a complete nightmare from the start (October 2023) because they haven't been able to solve a single problem so far. Next to the vibration issue I got a terrible (herky jercky) transmission, but nothing wrong with it according to my dealership. My X5 with a broken transmission shifted even better prior to its overhaul.

Anyhow, curious if anyone has managed to get the vibration issue solved. If yes, what was the fix?

Thanks and regards,

Welcome to the Forum AdB82. :wave:
Perhaps Erik has an update. He was active on the forum today.


Welcome to the Forum AdB82. :wave:
Perhaps Erik has an update. He was active on the forum today.

Hi there,

My issue is still not resolved. The next step the dealer is proposing is to replace the intermediate shaft. There was some lead time on this assembly. Still waiting for an appointment to get this done.

Hi there,

My issue is still not resolved. The next step the dealer is proposing is to replace the intermediate shaft. There was some lead time on this assembly. Still waiting for an appointment to get this done.
Thanks for the update Eirik. Yesterday I got confirmed that they are going to try the same thing on my car.

Thanks for the update Eirik. Yesterday I got confirmed that they are going to try the same thing on my car.
My pleasure!

I'm really not holding my breath for this to be the solution though, as the vibrations in my case are not consistent, but varies in strength from day-to-day, maybe dependent upon ambient temperature... But we'll see!

Hopefully it will not end up with having to raise a buy back claim towards Ford/dealer.

My pleasure!

I'm really not holding my breath for this to be the solution though, as the vibrations in my case are not consistent, but varies in strength from day-to-day, maybe dependent upon ambient temperature... But we'll see!

Hopefully it will not end up with having to raise a buy back claim towards Ford/dealer.
Sounds really exactly like what I'm experiencing. Here in The Netherlands, where you don't see too many Explorers, they claim that I'm the first and only one with this problem.

The transmission problem is driving me nuts as well. You don't have any problems with that?

Sounds really exactly like what I'm experiencing. Here in The Netherlands, where you don't see too many Explorers, they claim that I'm the first and only one with this problem.

The transmission problem is driving me nuts as well. You don't have any problems with that?
I'm pretty confident that several of these Explorer PHEVs have the same issue, as the cars naturally are produced on an assembly line to identical specs. The degree of vibration may vary, and I also suppose some owners (like myself) are more sensitive to something being out of spec.

The transmission is not perfect. It can jerk at some occasions with quick changes in acceleration. But I find it to mostly operate normally.
