3.5 duratec true dual exhaust upgrade | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3.5 duratec true dual exhaust upgrade


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April 13, 2006
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chicago IL
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2017 xlt 4wd
Hey group i ‘m thinking about installing a true dual exhaust for my 3.5 duratec from a 3.7 piu , what are your thoughts?

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Hey group i ‘m thinking about installing a true dual exhaust for my 3.5 duratec from a 3.7 piu , what are your thoughts?
im always onboard for any mods! any sound clips from others? is it bolt on?

The exhaust from a 3.7 PIU is a direct swap to your n/a 3.5 as long as you get everything behind the manifolds. I don't know if there is any gain to be had switching to a true dual stock setup. Me personally I would cut out a section and put in a X-pipe or H-pipe for better flow.

The driver side muffler on my '15 xlt has a nice crack in it right at the seam, the passenger side isn't leaking yet, but doesn't look too far behind. The rest of my exhaust is solid so I've been trying to look in to different options

Keep us updated, I toyed around with the idea since that squashed y piece pisses me off every time I remember it's there. It's way better than the GM u pipe in the 90's GM's for the rear o2 sensors.

Yeah I get the same feeling with the front pipe of this explorer, but definitely far better flowing than the awful u-pipe on the w-body GM's. Getting rid of that pipe was one of the first things I did when I bought my Grand Prix.

Hey group i ‘m thinking about installing a true dual exhaust for my 3.5 duratec from a 3.7 piu , what are your thoughts?

Any updates on this? Was debating late future to X pipe those flanges at the end and go from there. Also would this front piece get us in the vacinity of going aftermarket Sport cat backs?


Not to hi-jack this thread, but I am going through with this exhaust swap within the coming weeks as I obtained an entire 3.7 PIU exhaust system. For comparison the front pipe is a little shorter, but the catback itself is a little longer. From what I see looks like everything will line up. I do have some issues I foresee with the swap

1) The front exhaust hanger. The n/a 3.5 only has 1 hanger on the front passenger side where as the 3.7 exhaust has one on the driver side as well. Depending on how it works with just the one side being held up I may have to fabricate a bracket with a rubber hanger for the driver side.

2) The catback itself is in pretty good shape and the mufflers are still solid, however on the front pipe the one flexpipe is splitting. I am trying to decide if its more cost effective to have a replacement flex section welded in or to just purchase an entire new front pipe assembly. I would have both flex sections replaced just for peace of mind.

3) Cutting off the turn downs and putting on chrome stock style tips. Just personal preference

Not to hi-jack this thread, but I am going through with this exhaust swap within the coming weeks as I obtained an entire 3.7 PIU exhaust system. For comparison the front pipe is a little shorter, but the catback itself is a little longer. From what I see looks like everything will line up. I do have some issues I foresee with the swap

1) The front exhaust hanger. The n/a 3.5 only has 1 hanger on the front passenger side where as the 3.7 exhaust has one on the driver side as well. Depending on how it works with just the one side being held up I may have to fabricate a bracket with a rubber hanger for the driver side.

2) The catback itself is in pretty good shape and the mufflers are still solid, however on the front pipe the one flexpipe is splitting. I am trying to decide if its more cost effective to have a replacement flex section welded in or to just purchase an entire new front pipe assembly. I would have both flex sections replaced just for peace of mind.

3) Cutting off the turn downs and putting on chrome stock style tips. Just personal preference
1&2) take caution of the dual flex pipe with just 1 bracket, My oem single flex pipe is how I ended up down the exhaust rabbit hole. I'm on my 3rd flex after experimenting with a few After Market units. Being up north the used dual pipes are questionable with Cleveland winters. My oem flex went at 40K miles for reference and the Y pipe are like $400 before ship. The 3.7 new was $300 before $30 shipping when I looked but I just had the shop put a new flex on the old one. I plan on revisiting the dual setup once I figure out my mufflers setup and how quiet I want to be again.

3) I tracked down a dual cutout insert as the bumper that didn't come with duals puts the non turndown pipes behind the bumper. Trying to mod the exhaust to angle down under the bumper could cause the flex pipe(s) to go prematurely. I got lucky after a super long fleabay search for a decent used non 360 spin out and smacked into a barrier looking piece that was going to fit a 19 bumper. I also had an issue with tips being too short the fumes got sucked in the rear HVAC more. Currently they stick out past the bumper enough to not get sucked back in but still close enough to steam up the bumper and back glass at cold start idle. Going from turn downs to staight back quads I now have the entire back glass fog up if I floor it.

This was all mufflers deleted and a Delta 50 in place of mid resonator. My end goal is try and get X pipe to see if it transitions the sound better.

This was Delta with 1 Vibrant Ultra Quiet mid pipe.

Current setup is 2 Vibrant and 50 mid pipe. That exterior video never uploaded, it's got the same or more rocky disturbance as the last one. Not many parking lots I can set a tripod up and hope no one tries to steal my phone. I did an inside windows up and down video until find a suitable place to film.


1&2) take caution of the dual flex pipe with just 1 bracket, My oem single flex pipe is how I ended up down the exhaust rabbit hole. I'm on my 3rd flex after experimenting with a few After Market units. Being up north the used dual pipes are questionable with Cleveland winters. My oem flex went at 40K miles for reference and the Y pipe are like $400 before ship. The 3.7 new was $300 before $30 shipping when I looked but I just had the shop put a new flex on the old one. I plan on revisiting the dual setup once I figure out my mufflers setup and how quiet I want to be again.

3) I tracked down a dual cutout insert as the bumper that didn't come with duals puts the non turndown pipes behind the bumper. Trying to mod the exhaust to angle down under the bumper could cause the flex pipe(s) to go prematurely. I got lucky after a super long fleabay search for a decent used non 360 spin out and smacked into a barrier looking piece that was going to fit a 19 bumper. I also had an issue with tips being too short the fumes got sucked in the rear HVAC more. Currently they stick out past the bumper enough to not get sucked back in but still close enough to steam up the bumper and back glass at cold start idle. Going from turn downs to staight back quads I now have the entire back glass fog up if I floor it.

This was all mufflers deleted and a Delta 50 in place of mid resonator. My end goal is try and get X pipe to see if it transitions the sound better.

This was Delta with 1 Vibrant Ultra Quiet mid pipe.

Current setup is 2 Vibrant and 50 mid pipe. That exterior video never uploaded, it's got the same or more rocky disturbance as the last one. Not many parking lots I can set a tripod up and hope no one tries to steal my phone. I did an inside windows up and down video until find a suitable place to film.

I plan on rigging something up for the extra hanger just to give it some extra support. Your setup sounds pretty good especially after the addition of the vibrant mufflers on top of the flowmaster. Sounds pretty close to stock inside, but a little tone outside

I plan on rigging something up for the extra hanger just to give it some extra support. Your setup sounds pretty good especially after the addition of the vibrant mufflers on top of the flowmaster. Sounds pretty close to stock inside, but a little tone outside

OK took the dive, the 3.7 dual fits, rest after that is fab work. What ended up happening is the sound changed from the y to the dual intermediate setup. I'm gonna give it a few months and revisit with an X pipe and Flowmasters. I swapped to "Magnaflow like" mufflers and they killed the drone but the low bass is also gone. When I get a chance and the weather gets better I'll try and get pics and video. My issues was FM droned when the car was in fwd to awd loop & 1500 to 2800 rpms.
