4" to 8" screen upgrade, now no back up camera. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4" to 8" screen upgrade, now no back up camera.


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June 8, 2020
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2017 Interceptor Utility
I have a '18 police explorer, upgraded to 8" screen/sync 3 using the eBay harness similar to the one 4d sells. It of course has no instructions. I plug the male rca video jack into the female one, and it gives me a scrambled screen for a few seconds, then says "back up camera not available". Am I missing a component? Or ?? It did work when it was in the stock configuration. The rest of the new stuff works fine.

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Where did the camera display the image originally? In the rearview mirror? Where were you expecting it display after the update?


Has the Sync APIM been programmed to your vehicle?

Did your backup camera display on the 4" screen or the rear-view mirror?

Did your backup camera display on the 4" screen or the rear-view mirror?
Asked in post #2 and no reply was received. It is difficult to help someone who seeks help but doesn't follow up.

