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5-Speed Automatic Questions


New Member
October 25, 2005
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City, State
New Ringgold, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Eddie Bauer
Hello People. I have some newbie automatic questions. I just traded my trusty old Mustang in on a 2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer, which really is a little too nice for me but I guess you can wipe mud off of leather seats. It has a 5 Speed Automatic but I can't find a tranny code anywhere, is it the 5R55W5? It seems to be a decent transmission, I towed some boats around already and it handles the task very well and I'll probably reserve any serious off road ventures for my Bronco II. One question has popped up over the past few days. As it gets colder the tranny seems sluggish for a mile or so, is this normal for this transmission? Having no dipstick doesn't help and I realize that this transmission is supposed to be ready to rock for 100,000 miles or however long.

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The third gen Explorer's with the 5 sp auto are all the 5R55W. What do you mean by "As it gets colder the tranny seems sluggish for a mile or so"? Is the engine revving higher than you expect? or is the engine revving without moving the vehicle? These transmissions are electrically/computer controlled, some folks have had to get their computers re-flashed to cure some issues. I have been using the Excalibor II from Doug at Bamachips and one of the best things that have come from it, are improved shifting and tranny performance.

I meant cold start, sorry. The truck moves fine it just seems to rev higher when shifting 1-2 and then just a little on the 2-3 shift and like I said it will clear up within a mile. I figured it was just a simple case of getting the tranny fluid circulating and getting everything lubed up but neither of my other Fords did this although they had different transmissions(A4LD for the bronco and 4R70W for the stang).

Mine does that too. I think it has to do with the computer controlling the shift points until the engine warms up. My Chevy car does it too.

You have no dipstick? WTF???
