Advice: To rebuild or not to rebuild. 4x4 4.0 "E". | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Advice: To rebuild or not to rebuild. 4x4 4.0 "E".


Do not cut chain, you will put metal bits in your engine
You can remove a link from the chain with a screwdriver, pull a link apart , pull entire chain out............ No metal cutting.........

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That chain comes apart? I thought that chain was a loop with no service link in it.

well within a week I will have one torn down.
You know I have learned more about my Xploders in this forum in 1 week than I have known about them for the past 20 years!
Aint internet grand!

I have one out my 2001 I've got to teardown when it's out, I'm thinking of fixing the head gaskets and rebuilding it. It had bad timing chain guides for the heads I discovered, looked down the oil fil cap and it had a LOT of wear on the back of the chain. I already have a good extra motor but two never hurt.

I'm in the same boat. I have a 04 4.0 that I just bought a new key for because the key sheared off. After installing the engine and getting it all wired back up I cranked it over and heard click click click click and the noise stopped. I think that dang key sheared off again. My question is if I get a long block how do I know it doesn't have the same setup and problem as the 4.0s? Also is a v8 swap worth it? It's a shame but I think this vehicle is about ready to go to the junkyard☹️

Even going with a older 4.0 would I have to change the brainbox?

You can use any SOHC motor from 97-2010, the newer the better. Most people say use a 06-10 motor for the highest chance of success, and at the age I'd avoid a 97-01 motor, unless you're able to comfortably change the guides BEFORE installing it. You just use all your bolt on stuff from valve covers to harness etc.

So like a duratec would drop right in?

Any SOHC 4.0. Not a duratec.

I’m pondering rebuilding my 4.0 OHV. I wouldn’t mind paying to have it run almost like new again. I’m pretty sure my heads are cracked and leaking coolant so it’ll be time soon.

My shop just did the guides on a 200k SOHC motor, I watched the owner time it. Quite a feat actually, but with new guides, chains and stuff...I am going to assume I can get 10 more years of life out this XLS
