Any Ford techs with access to IDS... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any Ford techs with access to IDS...


Elite Explorer
May 16, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2019 Explorer Sport
Any Ford/Lincoln techs with access to IDS willing to do any side work in NY? I'm in NY on Long Island. I'm looking to have a tsb applied for my 2013 Sport, as I am having difficulty with dealers who want to do everything the hard way, and rob me blind in the process, lol. Lately I've been getting the terrain management system fault warning pop up more often, after driving for a while. It always clears upon key cycling/restart, but it's getting annoying happening with increasing frequency. I've done some research in the forums and apparently a lot of others who have had this problem have had it corrected with this tsb, which simply involves reprogramming the ABS module to the lastest calibration, so there is a good chance this would fix my issue as well

Most dealers are unwilling to simply apply the tsb, and insist on diagnosing and keeping the car for long periods of time, unable to duplicate the problem, tearing things apart in the process, blah blah.

Anyone able to help? Or know anyone in my area who can?

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So if this is a customer pay job, I don't get why they aare giving you a hard time. 1 hour of labor to do a software update is pretty standard and really have no reason to question you since it isn't warranty.

I have had the same/similar experiences with several dealers in my area on Ford and GM vehicles. Electronics are electronics. If there is a firmware or other such update that addresses known issues or fixes something that wasn't working correctly in a previous version, why wouldn't I want to get that applied to my vehicle/device?

I don't know if it's a dealer liability issue or what, but I can't seem to get dealers to check/apply updates to my vehicle without coming in, claiming I have a specific issue that they document and then they want to start off by charging me an hour or more of labor just to diagnose before they will even do anything. Then the dealer service department wants to reserve the right to not do anything further if they can't duplicate the issue or whatever.

I just had a GM car in for service and I asked them to check for open TSBs or other issues and they flat out refused to do that unless I brought it in for a specific issue that required an update. Such is life I guess...

So if this is a customer pay job, I don't get why they aare giving you a hard time. 1 hour of labor to do a software update is pretty standard and really have no reason to question you since it isn't warranty.
My thoughts exactly.


I believe you can calibrate the ABS moddule via Forscan.

I believe you can calibrate the ABS moddule via Forscan.

Oh nice, that would be great, as I have used forscan before, do you know how exactly? Or can someone verify?

No, forscan does not write firmware (ie calibration update).
