Anybody have any idea about the pats system | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anybody have any idea about the pats system


New Member
April 1, 2017
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Moselle, Mississippi
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 explorer xlt
Ok my 04 explorer xlt would not start or turn over. The theft light was rapidly flashing but after a minute with the key in run position it goes oit but still nothinv . All the dash lights work when i turn it on but when i tru to crank it the light starts rapid flashing and no click or anything .i took out two pats fuses but still nothing i just got a new battery yesterday and it does the same thing. C an anybody help me i've been stranded for weeks.

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Old trick that sometimes works- lock the doors with the lock button on the door, close all doors completely, unlock it with the key and try it.

Have you looked around the column on the inside to see if there's an aftermarket alarm installed?

Ok my 04 explorer xlt would not start or turn over. The theft light was rapidly flashing but after a minute with the key in run position it goes oit but still nothinv . All the dash lights work when i turn it on but when i tru to crank it the light starts rapid flashing and no click or anything .i took out two pats fuses but still nothing i just got a new battery yesterday and it does the same thing. C an anybody help me i've been stranded for weeks.
I would hate to give you bad info but I had a similar situation with my 02 F150. The theft light flashed rapidly and the digital odometer showed all dashes instead of numbers. The difference was that mine would turn the engine but not start. It was the relay to the computer was going bad. It cut out on me once while driving and once while in a drive thru line. I changed out the relay after the third time and it has been fine over a year now. Good luck.
