Approximate Limit for Lowering (for Handling) on a 2nd Gen Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Approximate Limit for Lowering (for Handling) on a 2nd Gen Explorer


Elite Explorer
February 7, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Seward, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Sport
As I'm getting closer to getting my engine back together, I'm thinking ahead to my next project on my '00 Sport -- suspension. I'll be converting the front end to coilovers and upgrading sway bars and rear shocks and I've been thinking a lot about lowering the truck too. To be clear I'm interested in lowering for the sake of improving handling (not going for the slammed look).

As such, I've been reading a lot about the handling drawbacks associated with lowering certain amounts. My Sport is 2WD, so no worries about CV shafts binding, and I already picked up a couple pairs of camber adjusters to bring the wheels back towards vertical after the camber goes negative. That said, I'm aware that caster also gets thrown off with lowering and there aren't any good ways to correct it (short of custom-fabricated/adjustable control arms -- maybe someday!). I'm curious for those who have lowered their Explorers, at what point alignments became impossible to meet factory spec and/or how far you were lowered when bump-steer became noticeable?

I know this "magic number" will be different for each truck, but I've observed that most people seem to suggest somewhere in the 1.5" to 2.5" range. If I recall correctly, the highly regarded Explorer Express kit yielded a roughly 1 3/4" drop and I imagine they did their homework to arrive at that number.

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Get drop spindles since you’re 2wd. That’ll keep you more in the center of the t bars travel.

Get drop spindles since you’re 2wd. That’ll keep you more in the center of the t bars travel.
Is there a reputable brand that makes drop spindles for 2nd gen trucks? I've seen all kinds of lift spindles online, but can't find any drop spindles.

Is there a reputable brand that makes drop spindles for 2nd gen trucks? I've seen all kinds of lift spindles online, but can't find any drop spindles.
I must be thinking of the lift spindles if you can’t find any. Around 2 is where I’ve settled on the explorers/mountaineer that I’ve lowered. It’s just a trade off for loss in up travel.

Around 2 is where I’ve settled on the explorers/mountaineer that I’ve lowered. It’s just a trade off for loss in up travel.
Thanks for the input -- that sounds to be right in the middle of the favorable range I've read about.

I had ordered some 3" blocks a while back and I'm trying to decide how much to mill them down since I think 3" might be too low to match in the front and still have good handling. The nice thing about coilovers is I'll have room for adjustment -- the only thing is I don't want to have to pay for multiple alignments as I iterate my way to a good ride height!
