Backup Sensor beep codes? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Backup Sensor beep codes?


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l
So, when I put my vehicle in reverse, after starting it in the morning, the backup module beeps once, pauses, then beeps twice. Then it intermittently works.

I've Googled for any codes it may be exclaiming, such as sensor 1 and 2 are going out. Anyone no if the module beeps out codes?

I should say it's my wife's car, so I don't know how often it does it.

Maybe the sensors are just dirty. If they are, you can wipe them off with something non-abrasive.

I noticed before I replaced all of my sensors because my back-up parking sensor system didn't work at all...I would get a very occasional beep from the system when putting the vehicle in reverse. The beeping you could be hearing my just be random 'system failing' beeps.

Personally I've never found any info on the system beeping out troubleshooting codes. Maybe someone else could shed some more light as my knowledge is limited.

Jefzilla, when you replaced yours, did you paint them to match? Mine are the same color as the car right now. Pretty sure any replacements wouldn't be.

Actually none of the ones I replaced were painted to match, so no; I didn't paint them at all.
