BP, Shell etc premium fuels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BP, Shell etc premium fuels


July 1, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 explorer

Does anyone run premium petrol in their explorer and notice any difference? If it gained 0.5 or 1 mpg then the extra cost would be worth it. Does anyone just run a tank of the expensive stuff now and again to help 'clean' the engine?

Anyone have success or failure with fuel system cleaners? I've been looking at BG 44 (I think that was it) but not sure it's worth it. My explorer is lpg converted but I still run it on petrol from time to time or if I'm doing a long journey just fill both tanks and enjoy the 600+ mile range.

Just some Sunday morning thoughts.


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I used to use sainsburys fuel but every now and again I would run some injector cleaner through. I did try different branded fuels but didn't notice any difference in mpg or performance (smoothness on idle etc). It may be that you would need to run a couple of tanks of it to see any gains, I don't know.

On my Saab 1.9 diesel it has had supermarket diesel for the last 6 years. I have now started running it on shell standard diesel and after just half a tank it was running quieter and seem to have a little more pep. It now returns 3-4 mpg more according to the computer. So for the extra 2p a litre i'm sticking to the good stuff esp as £50 does me for 3-4 weeks now.

I found the same with a mondeo diesel, Shell or bp certainly improved noise and economy.
I may try a couple of tanks of premium stuff to see if it makes a difference. When I eventually manage to change my fuel filter that is. Tried for quite some time today with a bit of silicon gun nozzle but no luck. Might bite the bullet and buy the proper tool.

I found the same with a mondeo diesel, Shell or bp certainly improved noise and economy.
I may try a couple of tanks of premium stuff to see if it makes a difference. When I eventually manage to change my fuel filter that is. Tried for quite some time today with a bit of silicon gun nozzle but no luck. Might bite the bullet and buy the proper tool.

Spray some penetrant into the joint and let soak for a while. You could also try using a bit of copper pipe sliced down the length and then push with grips. This has worked for me before.

There must be someone else on here that has at least tried premium petrol? Can't be only one driver of an explorer that has tried. Any way I'm going to try Sainsburys super as it is only 3p more expensive than normal bp.
The purpose made tool for fuel filter change has arrived will try again this weekend, if it not too wet.

I tend to use Tesco 99 when they run fuel offers. Seems to make marginal difference in ours. Otherwise I stick with Shell or BP fuels only.

I think premium fuels will benefit the engine if it is in good order. I run a can of Seafoam every so often through engine as flush and fuel tank as system cleaner/fortifier - can't see premium fuels being of any benefit if engine is not looked after.

When you say marginal difference what do you mean? Increased mpg or a bit more responsive?


Does anyone run premium petrol in their explorer and notice any difference? If it gained 0.5 or 1 mpg then the extra cost would be worth it. Does anyone just run a tank of the expensive stuff now and again to help 'clean' the engine?

Anyone have success or failure with fuel system cleaners? I've been looking at BG 44 (I think that was it) but not sure it's worth it. My explorer is lpg converted but I still run it on petrol from time to time or if I'm doing a long journey just fill both tanks and enjoy the 600+ mile range.

Just some Sunday morning thoughts.


Take a read here. You're wasting money if you think using premium gas will give you more power, increased MPG, or anything else.

Generally, people will tell you they get better performance after switching to or running few tank fulls of premium gas. I guarantee they are getting the same HP as they always were. What they notice, most likely, is a smoother running engine (if was running a bit rough to start with) due to a change in the chemistry of the fuel acting on the varnish deposits in the fuel injectors and the filter, giving a freer flowing fuel stream.

You could get the same results by switching to a different brand of fuel for a month or so, using the same grade as you do now. Different suppliers use different detergents and other additives, which causes the "change in performance".

If you run regular gas and get knocking (pre-ignition), jump up one grade to see what happens. If it goes away, drop back down to see if it comes back. If it does, then you need to use the medium grade. If it still knocks on medium, jump up to premium.

If you have a high compression, small displacement engine, you should be running a higher octane fuel.

This is all in your owners manual.

No difference is made if using premium when your vehicle does not require it

Thanks for the link and your input.
I will take a look at my owners manual.

Not sure advice from our US cousins is accurate; remember in the US petrol comes in 3 varieties and generally is of lower RON that our standard unleaded (95). Plus our trucks got the SOHC while most sold in the US were OHC or even the V8.

The age old debate of premium fuels will forever rage on. Used in the right engine it will make a difference but debate able if our trucks benefit.

In my anecdotal evidence I can most certainly feel and see a positive difference in how the truck feels and responds. I'll go with Tesco 99 whenever Tesco run fuel offers and I'll see 3-5MPG uplift easy.

Thanks ihpj for your input, I'll try tesco then. Even if I only get 1 mpg benefit that will be worth it. Then cost difference will hardly break the bank after all only £3 extra compared to the £95+ it will cost anyway.
Shall see if it makes any difference on my 800mile road trip.
