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Buying a New Cat - Advice?

A couple months ago...when i installed the KKM

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you should try cleaning it again, when the filters are new they tend to have a lot of oil on them that gets on the maf filiments and causes it to give inaccurate readings

thanks much...will try (i've got to remove the maf screen anyway

your maf came with a screen? never heard of that if you put it there i would remove it as the maf is not calibrated to work with a screen

yup....on the '96 the maf's had a seperate mesh screen to make sure no large particles that magically passed the filter reached the makes the maf & adapter plate bulge and offers a tiny bit o'resistance

On a side note, i've reset my carchip to re-read the o2 sensors at the 3 points, just to make sure i'm getting the right data. My choices are Bank 1, sensor 1,2,3 or 4, and bank 2, sensor 1,2,3 or 4. The only 3 that give me anything are B1S1, B2S1 and B1S2 (which i've determined the post cat) - but b/c my cat is good, and the voltage readings are all eerily similar, i'm gonna check again.

Yet another side note, my short & long-term fuel trims look pretty damn good for a truck that seems to "waste" gas...

the only other things i can think of are tire pressure, alignment and stuff like that.

I don't remember every post in this thread, but have you recently chebked the condition of all tuneup items. You might look at the fuel filter, O2 sensors, spark plugs, plug wires, etc. Cleaning the throttle body and MAF wouldn't be a bad idea. Use a special throttle body cleaner, because carb cleaner, etc, will strip the clear coating off of the MAF and TB.

For gas mileage, if you drive at some highway speed, you might consider an air dam like the EE versions. Those have the lower front edge forward more than the rest of the air dam, and that stops air from getting under the truck. Look to Aldive for examples. You could also lower the front a little to improve the airflow also. Good luck,

as soon as i get the chance i will clean the MAF & IAT yet again, and seafoam once more (bought deep creep this time);

i run my tires at 40 (need all the help i can get); alignment is good; replaced all egr components; plugs & wires are new & properly gapped; new fuel filter with new pump/sending unit; o2 sensors replaced 2 years ago but according to their stats they are OK (maybe not the rear, but that has no effect on fuel delivery); FPR is good (33psi fuel delivery) and the injectors are not leaky (hold pressure for 30min+); new BBk TB; seafoam regularly; i don't do much highway driving, but my bumper cover is about as low as the EE but doesn't stick out as much; i hope to TT the x to lower it a bit come spring;

Sounds like you have done an excellent job with maintenance. The V6 OHV engine just must not be ideal for this heavy of a vehicle. The OHV in my 93 Explorer doesn't get great mileage either. It is better on the highway than the V8 though. LOL,

I know leadfootedness doesn't help, either, but i've also spent a week driving like a li'l old lady and didn't do any better.

Aside from just looking for it, what can be done to determine if i've got a gas leak? Can that system be "pressure-tested"?
