Changing Leaf Springs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Changing Leaf Springs


New Member
September 6, 2012
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Hey I have a 1999 ford explorer sport XLT, and the back end is sagging. So i changed the shocks but i noticed there was only one leaf spring on either side. I'm thinking of ordering new leaf springs and adding another leaf to pop up the back end, but what can I do to the front end (besides putting in a whole lift kit) to raise it as well?

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You only have a single leaf on each side? And if your 2wd you can do SOA and spindle lift to the front with a TT (torsion twist)

Yes he's only got one leaf per side. Sport are monoleaf. You can swap on a four door pack or modify a set of f150 leafs. Up front you can do a TT.

Damn didn't know sports were mono. Yea you switch to xlt or any four door and you should be good with a TT

Actually if you switch to a slightly older 4-door (95, 96, 97) the leafs will probably be sagged enough that putting them on your sport will just nicely make it level. If not then a TT (torsion twist, you can search it on here, it's really simple) can even it out.
Now if you want to actually lift the truck to fit bigger tires and stuff, then tell us and we'll give you a easy place to start.
