Chirping noise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Chirping noise


New Member
September 3, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bryan, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
Wondering if anyone else has this problem before I let the dealer take a look...

I have a 2002 Explorer XLT - purchased at the end of May. Great truck, no problems so far... except for this weird chirping/squeaking noise that has just recently started. It seems to be coming from the passenger side dash area, behind the air bag. It is very intermittent, sometimes very quiet, sometimes louder, sometimes makes noise going over bumps, sometimes not. Sometimes chirps/squeaks just driving down the road, due to vibrations, I guess.

And no, there are no birds trapped in there that I know of!

Thanks for any feedback you can give.

Not much help but...

I had the same thing in my 2002 XLT V8 , it chirped at every upshift. It has gone away. After about 30K miles, hopefully yours will too.
