Common Problems? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Common Problems?


September 5, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Collegeville, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer XLT
I hate to start a new thread for something that is already explained elsewhere, but I've searched high and low, and haven't found anything yet. I'm looking at purchasing a 1995 Ford Explorer 4x4 5sp MTX, and was curious what the problem points to watch out for would be, so I googled for forums, and came here. My past experience with auto forums is there's typically a sticky containing common problem points that one might encounter with their car, as a reference guide for those who might be looking at purchasing one, to tell them what to look out for, such as CV joints going bad, valve cover gaskets, auto trans, etc. I know many of the 1991-1994 ATX weren't to good, as I knew several people who had them, and had to replace the trans every 60k miles or so, or go in for a rebuild.

What I am asking is this: Could people please respond as to what sort of problem points I might be looking for with this truck? How is the transmission, engine, drivetrain, electrical system, etc. What are the known problem areas. Thanks much for all of your help.

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1st year of the 2nd it comes w/ some, "issues." But, I'd say "make repairs, as the problem occures."

I assume you got the 4.0L ohv.......not as much HP as a 4.0L sohc, so don't expect a miracle. It's a good reliable motor, but watch for over heating and resulting blown head gasket and cracked heads.

The trans is, "better" than the first Gen Explorer, so "it's an improvement."

Mods to intake and cat back systems are common.

Depending on'll be running into the common things to replace.

Aloha, Mark

PS............Keep it tuned............clean the MAFS and IAC.

I am not sure of the engine type, I'm hoping to check it out some time this week. With the trans, I had heard that the manual runs better and lasts longer than the auto, any truth to this? I'm not so much for the mods, I really just need a car that isn't going to die on me, something that will run good in the winter, as we tend to have some pretty rough ones here from time to time. It has new power steering pump, and rack and pinion in the last year, milage on the car is 241k, which is a bit high, but if properly maintained, should be alright. I don't expect it to last forever, but the exterior seems to be in excelent condition from the pictures i've recieved. Hopefully the engine has recieved the same level of care as the body has.

Humm........OK.......I believe 4.0L ohv was the only V6 available in 1995.

That being said........241K seems high (to me)..........even when considering a, "well cared for motor." Valve guides and oil pump and oh.......just too much for me to think about.

Bottom Line: Price

I'd pick a manual rather than an auto trans..........but, my wife has to drive it, I have to go w/ the auto.

BTW........are you planning to tow???

Aloha, Mark

yeah the 4.0 ohv was the only engine available in '95. they introduced the 5.0 in '96.
241K is quite high for a '95, mine had 176k when i bought it ('95 too), and that was considered quite high. even if the engine was well taken care of, there might be some issues.

As for the trannys, the Explorer's isn't the "best" transmission out there, but also remember that proper preventative maintenance and not abusing your transmission will prolong it's life.

When I was looking at Explorer's, there was a person selling one who was having tranny issues. He said that the transmission always shifted right away when he flipped through the gears, and now it was taking a few seconds to engage the gears, and the car revs really high while waiting. I asked how high it revs, he said around 5000 RPM (DAMN!). I got puzzled and poked him for more info, and realized that this moron STEPS on the GAS while he flips through gears (like from Park through Reverse through Neural into Drive).

I swear, at least half of the automatic transmissions that fail are from users who are too dumb to use them.

It says the one your looking at is a 5 speed right?. The 5 speed is far more reliable than an auto just as long as the person before didn't learn how to drive a 5 speed on it.
