COOL! The ULTIMATE offroad camping trailer! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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COOL! The ULTIMATE offroad camping trailer!


Elite Explorer
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February 13, 1999
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Tampa, FL
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I just saw a few of these yesterday ...... I want one! :D

The website isn't too great so it's hard to tell how cool they are... they fold all out into a very complete mess kitchen; and 2-story tents fold out on top and beside them when you set up camp. Here's what comes with the compact version; the regular has even more stuff. The regular trailer tent is a 4-6 person on the top story and 2-4 person ground level with two entrances. Lots of thought went into them in the little things - the hitch is high to match lifted vehicles, water tanks are low for center of gravity on the trail, etc.
The Conqueror Compact Camper was designed for the South African Army for durable off road use. If you need a camper that will follow your 4 x 4 anywhere then this is the camper for you. Here are the features of the Conqueror Compact Camper:

Over 80 Cubic Feet of Storage with lockable doors
Epoxy Powder Coated body that resist chipping and rust
3- 15" wheels with oversized all terrain tires
2- 5 Gallon gasoline cans with mounts
Standard with shovel, axe, and grass slasher
Hi-Lift Jack mounting points
Aluminum side step
Wheel arch rubber shields
2 Rear anti-tilt legs
Electric side running lights
2 inch coupler
Large rubber nose wheel

2 to 4 person tent manufactured from military grade, rip-proof fabric with heavy duty zippers and mosquito screening
Personal item storage
Queen sized bed
Nylon sun canopy with 8 poles and tie downs
Aluminum ladder with rubber mat

Dual water tanks for a 29 gallon capacity. Mounted under the trailer for a low center of gravity to aid handling. Standard with an electric pump, hose, shower head, and wash wand

110-12 volt power converter with integrated overload and ground fault protection
Heavy duty battery
2 fluorescent lights
Hella plugs for accessories
Standard 12 volt Power Outlet/Cigar lighter

Fully equipped kitchen with service for 6
Cutlery and crockery
5 piece stainless steel pot set
2 burner propane stove
Stainless steel work surfaces on both sides
4 dry storage boxes
Slide out frame for refrigerator or cooler
2 propane bottle mounts

First aid kit
Mini Bar
Extra cargo tie downs


Made in South Africa.... I wonder how much they cost? :eek: Just out of curiosity I may call the Atlanta importer and find out - as if I could afford one, lol.

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WHOO HOO, it has a mini bar, upper level sleeping quarters could be dangerous:) keep us posted as to price, would bet that puppy is 6 grand at least, but I like it.

Very cool!!!!

Let us know what kind of prices you get quoted.

$10k :eek:

However, the trade between South Africa and the US got screwed up - don't know if it was political, economical, or both - and what is here is all that will be here. There's about four dozen of these in the US right now still to sell and I have a feeling prices may drop as 2005 goes on until they sell. I may get to take one for a test drive to Moab this year just for advertising/promotional purposes :thumbsup: :D

Stay tuned later this year :bounce:

glfredrick said:
Looks like a great do-it-yourself project... :D

So you gonna build us a few???? :D
