Engine swapping an XLT to something more modern | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine swapping an XLT to something more modern


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May 9, 2024
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Dobbs Ferry, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ford Explorer XLT
I love my 96 XLT 5.0. It's lifted 4" with headers and a BL4406 4x4 conversion and 33x15" wheels.

Suffice to say the mpg's are just awful. Maybe 200 miles to the tank and pushing 200k miles. It's also not too powerful. I was hoping to swap the motor for something more modern. Nothing crazy but 18-20 mpg and a little more modern power would be great if it was a manageable conversion.

Is there a repository anywhere of swappable motors that I could review and begin researching the job?

I have only found info on conversions TO a 5.0 engine, nothing above that. Any suggestions are appreciated on how to tackle this.

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Someone has put a VW diesel into a 1st gen, so it should fit in a 2nd gen. Dimensionally I believe a 2.3 out of a mustang or ranger could work. Wish I could put a 7.3 PS in, it'd be a perfect rig haha... even the 6.9 IDI would have more than enough power for the X

not sure this is more efficient, but...

33's, 4X4, 4,200+ pound rig and you want good mileage and power? You got to look at some new turbo, ecoboost like engine. I believe the up front cost would be prohibitive and not be returned by saving money on gas. As far as saving the planet, you are by not driving a new vehicle and maintaining what you have. The cost to the environment of producing a new vehicle, which is much more for an EV, takes decades to make-up that cost vs keeping-up an older vehicle.

Your rig should e getting 16-18 mpg

You should have 4.10 or 4.56 gears with those 33’s, 4.1 if you do
Mostly highway

Maybe it’s just time for a tune up?

For the cost of a conversion to something more “modern” you could buy 5-8 years worth of extra fuel

Unless you desperately need a tuneup, I don't see nearly doubling the fuel economy and more power too. Besides if you make use of the extra power, your fuel economy tanks again. These are bricks on wheels.

Your rig should e getting 16-18 mpg

You should have 4.10 or 4.56 gears with those 33’s, 4.1 if you do
Mostly highway

Maybe it’s just time for a tune up?

For the cost of a conversion to something more “modern” you could buy 5-8 years worth of extra fuel

Possibly longer than that. My '98 doesn't have 33" tires but around town short tripping it, it gets around 10MPG. When I use the '14 for similar short trips, the MPG isn't much better. Granted it does weigh about ~600lbs more, and short trips mean constant stop and go. That about doubles on the highway.

I drove a 96 5.0 with e303 cam and headers and a 4406 t case, 4.1 and 33” mud tires for many years
I got 16-18mpg the highway and that was in Colorado at elevation
I kept it in a high state of tune, good tires good alignment all fluids filters and tire pressure maintained like it was a spoiled child… back then I only had two trucks to deal with lol
So that’s why I say he should be getting 16-18 highway
