Explorer 4.0L SOHC engine replacement HELP! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer 4.0L SOHC engine replacement HELP!


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February 10, 2012
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2000 Ford Explorer
We embarked before Christmas on a project to replace the 4.0L OHV engine in our 2000 Explorer with the 4.0L SOHC engine. We got the old engine out, got the new engine in, now connecting everything to get it running.

What is the black plastic tube that comes off the top of the engine below the power steering pump and runs down and toward the driver's side? We can't see the origin on top of the engine, so we're not sure what it connects to, and wasn't present in that form on the old engine. It's about 15" long beyond the block and has a hose connect-type nipple molded into the free end. Pic below pinpoints the offending part.

Any advice welcome!


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is it the hose that runs behind the accesories, and one end y's and goes to the intake? if so its for the evap system. there is a canister below the battey that it connects to. than on the manifold it goes under each side to a nipple thats held in by clips. hope that helps if im thinking of the right hose

Post pics?

Don't know if it's because I'm new here, but can't figure out how to post a pic. I do it routinely on other forums with the same software... Any suggestions? I'd love to show you what I'm talking about.

I think you're on the right track!

It's in the center of the picture, angled from top left to bottom right, and held to the face of the block by a bracket. Connection on the right side to the hose is what we need, so we're looking for a hose to the fuel vapor management valve? I remember seeing it below battery box with several hose connections.

Added pic

Please see the original post for a pic, I think it matches well with 2000StreetRod's description.

We embarked before Christmas on a project to replace the 4.0L OHV engine in our 2000 Explorer with the 4.0L SOHC engine. We got the old engine out, got the new engine in, now connecting everything to get it running.

Did you pull the ecu and wiring from the doner vehicle to run the sohc engine in your ohv equipped truck? A full swap?

Swapped the ECU, used the wire harness from the donor engine and plugged into the connector from the firewall of the host vehicle. Didn't pull the 3 plugs off the driver's side firewall, though. Open to suggestions.
