Front Runner Rack/Platform | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Runner Rack/Platform

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Haha, maybe no one here has bought it. Looks decent...

looks good imo, wish there was soemthing similiar for 2nd gen! what do you plan to put on it? RTT? tire?

looks good imo, wish there was soemthing similiar for 2nd gen! what do you plan to put on it? RTT? tire?
Not all at once but everything from bikes to a canoe.. Take it easy!

oh, so not much weight then! imo, then why not just get the mounts for a standard crossbar? or is there a future evolution im missing ;) if i had one, i'd put RTT, maybe some gas up there... would want the hilift out of the rig, but wouldnt want that... wouldnt mind the spare up there, but again, too much least i can DD with no gas in the can🤣dont wanna end up some mush in an otherwise cool X flopped on the side of the road
