Fuel Pump Relay Poltergeist! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Pump Relay Poltergeist!

Pineapple King

New Member
November 7, 2016
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mercury Mounty 5.0
I'm currently working on a no start condition. While doing so, my focus went on to the fuel pump relay

I diagnosed the Power Distribution Box for a while, checked fuses and relays.
Fuel Pump Relay used to engage before fiddling around with the power distribution box, now it's dead and won't come on.


Tested all my relays and they seem to work. 65ohm in between pin 86 and 85, clicks and 30-87 connects when pins 85-86 are powered. Relays are good
Switched around all relays, none of them work in the fuel pump relay spot in the power distribution box.
Measured 86-85 in the PDB fuel pump relay slot, it gets voltage on key turn ON. 87 & 30 also have good voltage.
Jumping 87&30 in the PDB gets the pump running, no surprise here. Signals test good
Opened the relay and placed it in the slot opened, measured internal connectors/legs. NO VOLTAGE on 86-85

Placed some wiring in the slot, connected the relay to the wiring. Wires are hot, relay won't engage.

Visually inspected the slot connectors, everything seems in the right place. No connectors bend or anything. The pins in the PDB reach up to the plastic top and seem in the right spot. Again, the voltage is good here.

What could be the issue here? How do I continue to diagnose this issue?

I kept measuring a little more with the multimeter and see what's causing the relay to not close on the multimeter now.

When i measure the mA going through the relay pins 86-85 on a 9.5V block battery, I get 125mA of flow

When I try the same with the relay wired to the PDB, i get a flow of 0.1mA and the relay does not engage. There is also a voltage drop of 0.4V on the fuel pump relay 86-85 as well as on the eec relay

Just as a reminder, the fuel pump has been permanently running on key ON for the last few weeks and the car won't start, fuel pump running or not.

Where do I continue to diagnose from here? Did I accidently fry the circuit or is this some kind of lose connector scenario?
