Help with Sync 3 Update - 2020 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help with Sync 3 Update - 2020 XLT

Ian A

New Member
January 22, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Rochester Hills
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer XLT
I am having an issue with updating my Sync 3 system. I have tried using WiFi and USB. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. My current version is 3.4.22200, and when I check for updates online with a VIN search, it shows that 3.4.23188 is the current version. I don't get an error message; it stays on the scanning screen forever. I sat in my car with it running last night for an hour, and nothing ever downloaded. I tried the USB route, but when I plugged in the flash drive, the vehicle didn't recognize anything was plugged in.

Most of the time when I try the WiFi route it never initiates the scan for the new software, and when it does it just scans and never downloads anything.

Also, the USB port works for everything else.

I left it plugged in this morning for probably 15-20 minutes, and nothing happened, and the download didn't start. I looked at some troubleshooting steps, deleted the update from my flash drive, and re-downloaded it, but still, nothing happened when I inserted the USB.

USB drive is a 64 GB file system is exFAT.

I have also watched several YouTube videos to try to figure out what I am doing wrong. Maybe my sync cannot be updated, I have no idea at this point.

If it matters, I have a 2020 Explorer XLT.


  • Sync update.pdf
    30.8 KB · Views: 55

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A couple of years ago, I noticed the upgrade USB would not be recognized despite music playing on a USB stick. Not sure if related or not but I changed the battery and after the install, it then recognized the very same upgrade USB that it ignored before. Not sure if it was a new battery or not, or just the fact that the battery was unplugged for a time and all systems rebooted. I'd try to remove the negative terminal for a few minutes and then reattaching it. Maybe it will work for you.

It is best to be on 23188, which may be the last of the Sync 3.4 updates for our cars.

I am having an issue with updating my Sync 3 system. I have tried using WiFi and USB. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. My current version is 3.4.22200, and when I check for updates online with a VIN search, it shows that 3.4.23188 is the current version. I don't get an error message; it stays on the scanning screen forever. I sat in my car with it running last night for an hour, and nothing ever downloaded. I tried the USB route, but when I plugged in the flash drive, the vehicle didn't recognize anything was plugged in.

For a WiFi download, you do not need to have the vehicle running. That is required only for a USB installed update. MY version and maps downloaded via WiFi. The maps (NA 2.22) took a few days because I used the vehicle during the download. It picks up again from the point where it left off. I find it best to check the sites for updates as the vehicle search doesn't always give you the info.
Just to confirm, you downloaded the update to your computer first, unzipped the file and then transferred the files to the USB drive.
Did you download from Cyanlabs or your own account?
This is what I have on my USB drive.



The 5 files are in the SyncMyRide folder.
The XML file was added automatically after the update and is the one used to report a successful update.


For a WiFi download, you do not need to have the vehicle running. That is required only for a USB installed update. MY version and maps downloaded via WiFi. The maps (NA 2.22) took a few days because I used the vehicle during the download. It picks up again from the point where it left off. I find it best to check the sites for updates as the vehicle search doesn't always give you the info.
Just to confirm, you downloaded the update to your computer first, unzipped the file and then transferred the files to the USB drive.
Did you download from Cyanlabs or your own account?
This is what I have on my USB drive.

View attachment 449193
View attachment 449194
The 5 files are in the Sync My Ride folder.
The XML file was added automatically after the update and is the one used to report a successful update.

Yes, I have the other 5 in the Sync My Ride folder. They are still zipped. When I talked to Ford this morning, they told me those ones stay zipped.

With the WiFi update option, it never even finishes the scan. It just keeps scanning and scanning. I am not sure if it is just not connecting to the servers or what, Which is why I tried to go the USB route.

When I first got the car, it was "newsed", lol. I had no problem doing the Sync WiFi update that time but it just does not work. Most of the time, when I select scan for updates, I get the audible beep confirming I pressed something, but it never starts or does anything.


  • sync update -1.pdf
    29 KB · Views: 38

For a WiFi download, you do not need to have the vehicle running. That is required only for a USB installed update. MY version and maps downloaded via WiFi. The maps (NA 2.22) took a few days because I used the vehicle during the download. It picks up again from the point where it left off. I find it best to check the sites for updates as the vehicle search doesn't always give you the info.
Just to confirm, you downloaded the update to your computer first, unzipped the file and then transferred the files to the USB drive.
Did you download from Cyanlabs or your own account?
This is what I have on my USB drive.

View attachment 449193
View attachment 449194
The 5 files are in the SyncMyRide folder.
The XML file was added automatically after the update and is the one used to report a successful update.

Oh also I did the download from Ford. I was going to try the one from Cyan Labs, but I wasn't sure about the manufacture date of my module. The car was manufactured in late 2019. After all the warnings I chickened out cause I really don't want to have to buy a new unit.

When it happened to me, Ford's USB and Cyanlabs USB weren't recognized. You can certainly try Cyanlabs. Do not bypass any warnings about MY2020+ and create an upgrade USB using "simple" upgrade and NOT REFORMAT. Reformat is what will brick your APIM. That means you can also NOT install maps through Cyanlabs since reformat is the only way that can be done over there. You might also try a differen USB stick to see if you have better luck.

It looks like you have done it correctly. I would suggest reformatting the flash drive and downloading from Ford again. Maybe starting fresh will work. I've never had any luck trying to update with WiFi and have turned it off.
