Hey there! Excited to join the community! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hey there! Excited to join the community!

Tyrant Tommy

New Member
January 31, 2020
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer Limited
Hello. I'm new to getting back into cars. Recently discovered the freedom of not having car payments and picked up an 06 Ford explorer 4x4 so I can drive a bit more freely in the mountains of eastern Oregon. Anybody know if there is another site with less adds where folks discuss? No offense but this app is unusable on my phone with the constant pop ups...

I hope to connect with some enthusiasts!


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Tom, welcome to The forum. You have to become an elite Explorer to get rid of the pop ups. Unfortunately all the automotive forums are having pop ups unless you pay to get rid of them.

Welcome to this forum! Advertisements produce income to keep the site running. Elite memberships do the same thing so that's why elite members don't see ads. You get many benefits such as the ability to create an avatar, photo gallery, and you could upload attachments.

If you don't want the ads then become an Elite member for $20/year. I guarantee you will save 10-100 times this, or more, from the knowledge you gain from this forum. Or live with the ads and get this knowledge for free. At least you have a choice and the price to go ad free isn't the least bit unreasonable, IMO. BTW, welcome aboard.
