I never knew ya'll were here... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I never knew ya'll were here...

August 23, 2004
Reaction score
Goose Creek SC
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT 2 WD
Sweet to have a place to go where women understand the tinkerin' chick! I go under the hood of my vehicles, get into the case of my PC, fix broken stuff around the apt. and ponder the fine line between helpless female and independant woman. I do like a manicure and putting on makeup. We are a diverse group - us wimmen - lol. I must say, I do have a problem with men who stand around and watch me under the hood without offering to help. I may be having mixed emotions about their meddling, but I think a man ought to at least offer to lend a hand. I had a b/f watch tv as I took down the ceiling fan and installed a new start switch! He never turned his attention my way... I'd much rather be paired with a man who gets down and dirty too. Must be why I'm still single! UGH!
I was a commercial painter for 2 yrs and had problems with a few of the male egos there. I had one foreman who asked me if I was interested in going to the bar after work on a Friday. I declined. Come Monday, the 'talk' about me was I was gay cos I didn't want anything to do with the foreman. I approached him and asked him to stop this nonsense. He told me to prove I liked guys by giving him a BJ! What a pig! I complained to the owner who inevitably sided with the foreman called me a troublemaker... Men can be so freakin bizarre!
Too many men in industry think we ought to be home cooking and cleaning and waiting for the them to get home; that we don't belong along side them in business.
I was an apprentice pipefitter for half a year in '96 and had an awesome foreman. I was hired at Cape Canaveral as my first job and my apprentice class-mates were livid! My foreman let me do my job and then some. He trusted that I was capable cos I proved myself. He also expected I'd be able to help unload a truck of carbon steel pipe! I loved it. Most of the apprentices started with residential plumbing as their first job. Unfortunately, my classmates didn't agree with my female presence. We had an instructor who showed up once a week if that, for our tue/thu class. I'd do the lessons at home and turn them in and leave. I left 3 classes early in 7 weeks and was 'told on' and therefore fired for not attending class. When the guys didn't show for class, there was no 'telling' on each other. It was horribly pathetic.
Enough of my grievance.
I sign off saying it's nice to have other women with similar interests. I'll be perusing the threads here to see what ya'll are sayin!

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I aint exactly a explorer babe, but just wanted to say "YOU GO GIRL!!!"


Wow, I'm posting in the ladie's forum! I used to work with a female electrician and to this day I would love to work with her again. It is great telling guys that I know a lady that could get it done better than they could ever imagine.

last laughs

mctoy said:
I aint exactly a explorer babe, but just wanted to say "YOU GO GIRL!!!"

you got me - when I read this I thought I'm not exactly an explorer babe either - - so I put you on my playing field lol.

It's all good sister! Let 'em keep guessin'....


Welcome and nice to see another female join the ranks. Unlike you, I don't know that much about tinkering on my Explorer, but my computer is another story

See ya around :D

I must either lost or out of my mine why I am reading the women threads... lol

I think it is great that women could work along with guys. It is all started during the WWII or WWI? Where majority of the men are off over sea and the women have to take the role of the work force. They take care of the family and hold on a 9-5 job to keep the income coming. When the guys came back home, they have the same prospect as they used to. Women are to cook and care for the family. Sometime, I wonders if thats why men and women are from different planet!

As for dating at the work place, Nancy you are right to reject the guy proposal. I worked with lots of women at my work place and amazingly, I got invited to have a drink after work with them. Even when I was single, I do not want to have relationship with anyone at my work place. It is a company policy now, superior can not date or have personal relationship with their staff. Believe me some of those women are gorgous, but job security.

When I do see a woman work under the hood of the car. I am just amazed and proud to see that they are independence.

Nancy, all guys are not bizarre. Its just some some process different amount of intelegent quality (IQ).

It's nice to see women who can fix their rigs. Come to think of it i probably know more about the workings of a vehicle then most of the men i know. Pretty sad eh?? My little girl won't drive if she can't at least check her oil and determine a problem under the hood.We can't let those dis-honest mechanics take advantage of her now can we???? Not saying all mechanics are dis-honest though.!!! And Nancy you are right nothing is more irritating than a guy sitting and watching, while you work. That's when you throw something at them!!!! LOL!!!!!! Peace all!!!

o dang, you chiks are awsome why can't i find a girl like this, all the girls i find are ither freckon hot and would never tuch my engine the say its all nasty and oily, or they are so into the tom boy thing that they know less about makeup than me and it might even be hard to tell there girls. so the best of wheeling to all you babes

