idler pulley | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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idler pulley


November 15, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLS 4WD
The idler has been squeeling for a week or so now, and finally seized up, and the bolt fell right out as I was driving. I was able to recover the bolt and idler pulley, and now have to look for new parts. Does anyone know if the pulley is sold separately from the entire assembly, and would it come with the bearings inside, or are the bearings also a separate item. Also could this result from the belt being too tight? I replaced the alternator not too long ago, and fear that I may have tightened it too much.

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The idler is a separate part and comes complete.

Good luck ........

I had the same thing happen to mine. No warning at all. Luckily I was able to bolt everything back up an continue on my way. I dont think there is any one particular reason they fall off, just seems to happen.

It's all one part, and you should be able to get it from Autozone for about $20. Also, inspect the serp belt to make sure it's not damaged.

This is too funny. Mine started squeaking about a week ago. I sprayed some stuff on it to quiet it down. Got the part from autozone for 16.99 on Monday and planned on doing it today after work. I drove into work today and it wasn't sqeaking any more, but grinding, even smelled a bit burnt. That may have been a bit of the belt if the pulley stopped spinning for a second. I shut it off right away and popped the hood. Pulley jiggled a bit so I know the bearings were shot. Couldn't do the job myself at work outside (it was 9 degrees when I pulled into the parking lot). Luckily one of the local parts stores has a mechanic on duty and he had the time. Took him about 7 minutes, and cost me 30 bucks plus 5 bucks tip for the guy for doing it on such short notice. I suppose I coulda used my AAA and had it towed home for a bit less $$ and done the job myself, but this turned out just fine! At least my pulley didn't get to the point where it fell completely off!!
