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Impact wrench and compressor question

Sorry to post this here I wasn't sure where else to post this but I need advice. I'm trying to simplify some of my work by using an impact wrench, specifically to remove a crankshaft pulley bolt. I'm looking at a 150 max psi, 26 gallon, 1.8hp compressor from harbor freight. It says it can put out 4 cfm at 90psi or 6 cfm at 40psi. I'm also looking at a stubby impact wrench that looks like what I need but it says it consumes about 6cfm at 90psi. So is the compressor I'm looking at underpowered or does that just mean I'm going to run out of power a lot quicker than a unit that can put out 6cfm? I don't have a ton of money to spend on these tools but I also don't want to throw money away on something that's not going to work for what I need. Here are the products I'm looking at.

26 gal. 1.8 HP 150 PSI Oilless Air Compressor

1/2 in. Stubby Ultra-Light Extreme Torque Air Impact Wrench

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I'm actually thinking about a Metric 6 Point set.

12 Points have a really good tendency to round bolt heads off if the fastener is really tight or rusted.


A woman can never have enough shoes. Therefore a guy can never have enough tools.....


A woman can never have enough shoes. Therefore a guy can never have enough tools.....
Yep, that is the exact argument I use with my wife. This explorer I just picked up was not discussed with my wife, I went with the "ask for forgiveness" approach. In the end she did end up with another nice pair of shoes from me. So it worked out for everyone in the end lol.

The only problem I have with the 37pc HF impact socket kit is there is no deep well sockets. It's a good starter kit. Even though I rarely use my impact sockets, I have used the deep well ones more.

Does anyone have experience with torque limiting extensions? I found a set on Amazon and it looks like it has good reviews. I thought this might be a good answer to tightening down the harmonic balancer bolt after I replace the timing chain. I don't know if the stubby impact wrench will fit because the extensions are 8 inches so the radiator might need to come out. I was more thinking of using these to prevent over tightening since I don't have a good way to hold the pulley and use my torque wrench.

A good wedge and a screw driver locked into the teeth on the flywheel keeps it from moving....

The extensions are good for wheels "In My Opinion".

years ago i used to only have an oil-less 30 gallon compressor, i don't know what the air specs were on it, it would run an impact but not very well.

I upgraded to an 80 gallon 2-stage husky upright compressor and its pretty nice, i have it in my parents detach garage where i do most of my projects but at my own house/garage i have a magnaforce 2-stage 80 gallon and I think it might be a little better then the husky and its definitely quieter. I'm working my younger brother to get at least a 60 gallon compressor in his garage so he can use some air tools that he has, he only has a 20 galllon right now.

I did in a pinch use a small 2 gallon compressor to run an impact a few times and it actually worked alright.

but for air tools like a die grinder, you need a ton of air.

and its about time they came out with stubby impacts, every major brand has there stubby impacts now.

the first one i bought was a 1/2 inch astro pneumatic and its shorter then a credit card with about 450 ft lbs, it does alright
and i have a 3/8 Chicago Pneumatic and it does alright as well.

Mighty 7 has a stubby impact right now that has a higher rating then a lot of regular 1/2 inch impacts.

Never had an Aircat but i'm thinking i may buy one one of these days and give it try and see how it holds up at my work

I think I'll still go with the compressor and air wrench. I really like the idea of the electric wrench but for my specific application it makes for most sense to use the stubby air wrench as I don't think any of the electric ones will fit in the small space I have to work. Perhaps with the radiator out it might but I figure there are other things I'll be using the compressor for so I can justify the purchase. Plus the fact that the air wrenches have that much more power. Hell in the end I'll probably end up with both electric and air!

i think it was about 5 or 6 years ago i had to do the timing cover gasket on my 98 and i ended up pulling the radiator out so i had more room to work and after doing so I had enough room to use my regular sized 1/2 inch with a shallow socket to take out the crankshaft pulley bolt

Does anyone have experience with torque limiting extensions? I found a set on Amazon and it looks like it has good reviews. I thought this might be a good answer to tightening down the harmonic balancer bolt after I replace the timing chain. I don't know if the stubby impact wrench will fit because the extensions are 8 inches so the radiator might need to come out. I was more thinking of using these to prevent over tightening since I don't have a good way to hold the pulley and use my torque wrench.

I think those might be too long for the crank bolt, you are using a stubby impact but those torque sticks are prob 6-8in long so it wouldn't fit between balancer and radiator
