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Just saying Hi.


Well-Known Member
July 25, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Anna, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT
Well I am new here, and so far most of the info here has been interesting. But very glad that I have not had to use much of it.

I got a White 1995 Explorer XLT 2WD w/ 105k miles on it at the time 2 or so years ago. I was worried about the miles until I looked at it in person. The whole engine area looked new, new interior looks new, the paint looked extremely good for its age. And we found out that this car never towed anything. I was sold.

Later comes to find out, every record of the car has been kept. The invoice, oil changes, wash's (labeled with products used), tires, and all the checks from ford. It was brought in for every check, and every time it required oil. Completely clear maintenance record.

Also what I found out at least from looking at all the records is that this was the main car up till it got 80k miles on it. Then it seemed to have gotten moved down to a lake house. Where it spent rest of its life till 2002/3 acting as simple transport from there lake house to town (i assume). Again it’s never pulled anything at all. And apparently it was garaged there, because all the lights look great.

I love this truck; I have had to spend some 700 bucks into it doing maintenance that comes when a truck has 125k miles. A good chunk of that amount was tires, the rest was front suspension rebuild, front shocks, all filters replaced, all fluids replaced, new front and rear brakes, new emergency brake, front/rear shocks. Babied in the past, as well as current.

Anyways that’s my car, as well as how I ended up getting and loving it. It has a quirk or two that I am not concerned about, but I have been keeping an eye on it.

The only really one to speak about is how it shifts. Shift up in the gears is very smooth. The only "hard shift" feel is when you’re flooring it, but that’s how all cars do. The thing is when it down shifts.

It goes through all the gears except the last one just perfectly which makes the shift from second to first seem weird. It’s a little click into the first gear. Its not a hard shift at all, its just noticeable compared to the others. This only happens when gears all the way from the top to bottom and coming to a near stop 5-10 mph.

It just seems weird compared to all the other shifts. Now we have dropped the pan and flushed it all out in the past. It has 2 filter changes since I have had it. We have looked in the pan, and inspected everywhere else. No shavings or even a sign of wear. According to everyone that looks at it, it seems ready for another 125k miles easy. Thus I am not worried at all. I am just wondering if this was normal for the 95+ year explorers.

Maybe it’s just me thinking too much about it, its barely noticeable at all, but compared to the rest of the shifts it stands out. Granted if shifts smoother than my new car ;) So any ideas?

Secondly has anyone replaced the front window from the stock and noticed if it’s a bit stronger. I swear if a tiny piece of gravel hits my window it makes a mark in it. Yet it can hit mains and do nothing. I swear the stock window is way too easy to chip.

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Welcome to the site bud! Sounds like you got a nice Explorer there. If I can do anything for ya just let me know. ;)

Ill be sure to do that.

What surprises me is that people complain about the gas mileagle on this thing. Heh I dont get people at all. I get 16/17 city and 19/22 highway. Get a combo of 18. Most of the time, if its a pur highway trip in to upper 60's I can get 22 out of it though.

Yet my new 2005 isuzu ascender gets 15 city and 17 highway with a combo of 16.6. I honestly dont get this truck, doesnt matter how you drive this sucker the MPG stays the same. Eh but I dont drive this car...

Anyways this truck cant be beat, no bills is the best :)

18MPG aint bad, I normally get 18-22 MPG just depending on how my truck feels I guess. Of course my mods help out alot but my heavy foot doesnt haha.

Welcome to the site dude. Glad to have you.
