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Leaf Spring question


May 27, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Kansas City area
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Explorer Sport
We have a 2001 Explorer Sport that has a broken rear spring.
We also have a 1997 Ranger that has excellent springs on it.
I have checked a couple of leaf spring web sites, and it looks like the springs are the same with the exception of there is a 1/16" difference from the end to the axle mount.
I'm needing to see anyone has successfully made a spring swap like this.
I had thought about swapping the axle also, but the ranger has drum brake and the explorer disc, and I'm wanting to keep the disc brakes.
Thanks for your help.

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The biggest difference is the orientation of the leaf pack nut and bolt. It will need be reversed when going to/from a Explorer/Ranger. You should also swap them in pairs.


Yeah, I see that's the difference, but is there enough play in the spring seat that this 1/16" difference isn't a big deal?
Thanks for the help.

The biggest difference is the orientation of the leaf pack nut and bolt. It will need be reversed when going to/from a Explorer/Ranger. You should also swap them in pairs.


better check and see if the spring rates are the same,
Ranger springs could be softer than Explorer springs,and will sag right away, as Rangers are lighter in the back,,
